"B-but Alp-"

"I'm not asking. You hear me?"

The majority of the group listened. But of course, there was always a few arguers. "Alpha, you can't be serious."

"Ohm, please, you know better than anyone the lengths I would go to protect you all."

"You can't protect us all the time-"

"I can try."

He struggles for words and eventually just nods.

"Please Y/n, we can't let anything happen to you..." The twins say, walking up with Teddy on one of their hips.

I smiled at them, cupping each of their faces. "If something happens, you'll be just fine without me. Look how much you've grown since I left all those years ago. You'll have Jon. You'll have everyone else. Besides, I think I lived a pretty eventful life. You let me take care of myself and you worry about the others." I say the last sentence sternly, letting them know that I was not changing my mind.

They sighed and walked away, holding Teddy close.



"No. No way. Look, I'm sorry, Y/n, but I lost you once and I'm not letting it happen again."

"Del, if you had to pick between saving me and saving Vanoss, what would you do?" He froze for a second. No words were exchanged and I could practically feel his confusion.

"See? It's not an easy choice, is it? I've made it for you. You choose him."


"You made me a promise. A promise that you would get the twins and Teddy back, if it's the last thing you do. You need to protect them, for me, okay?"

He pauses for a moment but eventually sighs. "Okay..."

I grab his arm, turning him to face me. "Besides, I'm not dead yet, it's just a contingency plan." He simply nods, wrapping me in a tight hug. Before we could even pull away, the doors bust open and Keepers marched in.

We were obviously outnumbered and they didn't fire at us, so we didn't fire at them.

"Oh, how cute!" Liz taunts, drawing out the word 'cute'. Her ankle was wrapped tightly and in a splint.

At this point, we were surrounded. Liz walked around the circle, stepping closer once she was within reach of Teddy.

Macey and Kacey immediately pulled him back, pulling their guns up against her. She giggles at their actions. "Aw, are you two going to protect him?"

They didn't respond, still holding up their weapons as poor Teddy cowered behind them.

"What about her?" Liz asks, looking in my direction. The twins remained stoic, not moving an inch. "I see..." She walked around the circle again.

I slowly slipped my hand in my pocket, where I had a few poppers. The small explosives I used during my last encounter with Harold.

"Alpha, we're in range." I heard the voice of Zerkaa himself.

The Sidemen were here.

"Dilemma, new plan, floor exit." I muttered, trying not to make it obvious. In one Swift motion, I pulled a few poppers out of my pocket and threw them amongst the crowd of keepers. Smaller explosions littered the room, killing many of the keepers.

I didn't kill them all, but I got enough of them to at least level the playing field some. Just as they exploded, a Keeper wrapped an arm around my neck, holding me in a headlock. I grabbed their arm as an attempt to pry them off of me to no avail.

At the same time, across the room, 2 keepers had done the same to Macey and Kacey, a third Keeper grabbed Teddy, pressing him to the floor to hold him down.

Teddy began to cry and the Keeper shook him, yelling at him to stop. His cries stopped almost instantly.

'What've they been doing to you?'

"Stupid, Alpha, stupid!" Liz shouted, making her way to the middle of the room.

Our group made way for her, not letting her get close to any of them. She paused for a moment before holding up 2 guns, one at me, and one at Teddy.


The keepers holding me, the twins, and Teddy down soon let us go, but replaced their arms with guns to keep us stationary.

The other Keepers in the room quickly claimed a person, holding a gun to each of our members heads, all except Delirious.

"Drop it." Liz said sternly, staring at the weapon in his hands.

He was reluctant, but abided, soon sliding the gun towards her. She smiled. "Go on Jon. Make your choice." Liz taunted, looking between me and Teddy.

"Your girlfriend, or your son. Choose wisely, it may be the last time you see one of them. Alive, at least."

He looked at me and I stared back at him hard.

'He knows.'

He slowly moves around the circle, now standing in front of Teddy. Liz shakes her head. "You sure about that one? I mean, you can always have more kids! Just knock her up again, shouldn't be that hard!" Jon only kneels down.

She growls and turns to face me for a second before cocking the guns. "Wrong choice."

Within a second, a bullet was flying right towards my head. I closed my eyes, awaiting the darkness, but it never came.

Instead, a body fell into my arms.

The Keepers seemed to be as shocked as I was, because there wasn't any gunfire. "Shit, that hurt like a bitch." I heard the strained voice of Cartoonz.

I opened my eyes and pushed him forward so he was sitting up. The Keeper that held a gun to his head previously, laid on the floor motionless. Shots rang out for a few seconds and the other keepers fell as well. The Sidemen were here.

Before I could even think of anything else, I grabbed my gun and shot Liz in the head. She dropped liked the rest of her platoon and I took that time to look at the man in front of me.


"You didn't think I'd actually let her kill you? Did you?" I panicked for a second, thinking I let someone else take a bullet for me, but I was quickly proven wrong when Toonz unbuttoned the top of his shirt. "Bullet proof vest Alphs, we're literally all wearing one."

I couldn't help but smile at the triumph I felt in that moment.

It was short lived.

A blood curdling scream cut off my thoughts and sent my mind into a state of shock, which soon turned to horror.


Liz had fired two bullets.

One at me, and one at Jon.

The fastest pistol bullet can travel up to 1,422 meters per second and kill a fully grown bear if planted in the right location.

One second.

Since the beginning, we knew the guys were a lot stronger than us. They were the Brawn, we were the brain. But, we were always more agile. We were always faster.

One second.

It took one second for Macey to push herself in front of Delirious and get hit square in the chest by the bullet.

Her chest which was suppose to be covered by a bullet proof vest, the same one that now covered Teddy.

One second.

It was Kacey's scream.

Because her sister was just shot.

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