5) Charms, Misunderstandings and Nightmares

Start from the beginning

I pace infront of the door three times and it shoes up, I open it to find James, with his head hung low on a sofa. I sit next to him. 
"What do you want?" James snarles. I wince, I hate that tone, especially if my brothers use it on me. "Listen James, I - " 
"I don't want to listen, you promised me!" he says.
"Yes and I have kept my promise." I say before he interrupts me again, I take out my wand and place a silencing charm on him.
"Me and Lily are not dating! We re just frienda, actually we are not friends." I say
"I knew it!" James shouted as he stands up. Shoot! My mistake of teaching him the non verbal way of the silencing charm and how to unsilence yourself.
"James! Let me finish!" I practically shout. He sits back down, " Me and Lily are not friends, we are more like borther an sister. She called me Rem, because sometimes she does. I kissed her forehead after she told me that Snape was not bothering her and I told her that I wanted her to be safe! I did what every brother would do. So next time James Fleamont Potter do not judge someone without knowing anything!" I was mad at James, but he couldn't help it, he was so in love with her. Lily is smart but she so oblivious. She thinks James wants to break her heart like he has to other girls. But what she doesn't know is that James only dated to make her jealous, James never kissed any of his girlfriends.
I'm about to leave when James caught me, "I'm sorry," he says.
"No worries," I smile and say. The two of us made our way to the Heads common room. 

"Ah! Thank God! I don't think I could have listened another word of Peter talking to himself, ranting about something that doesn't even exist!" Padfoot dramatically exclaims. 
"Well did you try to see what he may be ranting about?" I ask. 
"No!" Sirius replies, "anyways how was the study session with Lily?" he askes. I raise my brow, 
"Why are you asking?"  I smirk, knowing exactly what he wanted to know, "and no Marlene wasn't there." My smirk just grows as he blushes and Padfoot takes out exploding snap.
"Where did you go Prongs?" Padfoot asks. James grows red from embarassment.
"Well let's just say that someone was a bit jealous." I say still smirking. Padfoot seems to get what I'm saying and smirks as well. James was leaning on the wall with a cup of water in his hand while Padfoot was still setting up the game. How long does it take? I grab my book and start reading. Lily comes out the door, "Hey," she says. I was about to say hey back when I look over at James who just fell onto the floor, the water spilling all over him.

James POV:

"Hey!" I hear Lily say. Her voice startles me and I fall onto the floor, knocking down a side table. The water spillt all over me and my shirt was getting soaked. I heard Lily gasp and she comes up to me. She offers me her hand, I take it. She takes her wand and casts a drying spell on me. 
"Thank you," I say. 
"You're welcome," she replies. I look back at the rest of the marauders and they were rolling around on the floor. Moony was first to get back on his feet. I glared at him but he's still trying to bite back a laugh.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly. At around 10pm, the boys take my cloak and head back into their dormitories. 
I go back to my room and fall asleep as quickly as I hit the pillow. 

I wake up to someone poking me and loudly whispering my name. I look up and wear my glasses. I see Moony with a panicked expression. 
"What happened?" I asked, concerned. 
"Padfoot, he had a nightmare, but I can't control it." I jump out of bed and me and Moony make our way to the Gryffindor common room as fast as we can. I see Sirius hugging his legas, trying to dig his nails into his skin. I run next to him and hug him. He looks at me. 
"They - they're g-going to k-kill me!" he gasps.
"No, no they're not," I reassure him, but he just frantically shakes his head. 
"J-James you've b-been an a-amazing friend," he pauses he looks over at Moony, "so have you Moony. Th-thank you f-for everything, b-but this is my e-end." he says. He pushes me off and runs into the bathroom, we all share and locks it. I run and pound on the door. I scream tired. Sirius can be so serious about his nightmares, he could do anything. He might even take his life, all because I couldn't save him.

Tears start spilling out of my eyes. I wanted to shout Bombarda Maxima and break open that door, but I could harm Sirius and I don't have my wand. Remus tries 'Alohamora' but Sirius used 'Colloportus' (locking charm) on the inside. I didn't know what to do! I put my head in my hands. I could hear screams from inside. Right I don't care anymore. I snatch Remus' wand and his eyes widen as he realsies what I'm about to do. 'Bombarda Maxima' The plaster goes everywhere but I don't care. I run into the bathroom and see Sirius' arm bleeding. 
"SIRIUS!" I shout. 
"Hey James, look I'm holy, get it holy." he says pointing at the number of cuts on both of his hands. I cry and chuckle at the same time. I take him to Poppy, who comes out straight away and starts attending to Sirius' cuts. Moony and I are both tired from crying. Merlin knows where Peter is. Poppy tells Moony and I to go and get some sleep but me and Moony refuse to get up. I look over at Sirius and see that he is sleeping peacefully. Poppy even threatened to give us detention but there was no way I was going to leave Sirius here by himself. The bottom half of his hand was all plastered and he had a plaster from a gash across his cheek and a minor cut on his forehead.

The next day, Moony and I wake up when we hear someone groaning.  I open my eyes as the events of yesterday enetr my mind. I look over and see Sirius, looking at his hands. 
"What happened?" he asks. I debate wether I should tell him or not, but I decide to tell him, if he finds out from someone else, he might kill me. His face pales and tears pricked my eyes. Moony was alsoo awake and his eyes were puffy from crying. I looked at my reflection from the window in front of me and see my eyes are also red and puffy. 
"Padfoot, I swear I will kill you with my own hands, if you ever do that again!" I scream. He looks up at me and I can terror etched upon his face.
"Sorry, I will never," he put his hand on his heart, like he was vowing (idk, if it's a word). 
I let out a chuckle. Madam Pomfrey comes and tells us that we can go , but Sirius needs to be back before lunch to reapply his bandages. We go to the dormitories and change for the day, it's a Sunday so we won't have to worry about and work today.

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