6. Taste...

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A flock of limousines queued in the circular driveway along the red carpet walk where photographers snapped shots of Christian's outstretched arms and watched Estella's every move like hawks.

Adjusting her dress, trying to play nicely, she smiled calmly at the cameras flashing all around, for the sake of the undying plague of reputation. And for the sake of the scorn of judgmental black gowned onlookers.

Using everything in her power not to open her mouth and give the press a sound byte to have a field day with, and hear an earful of it from her mother all before tomorrow's breakfast... God forbid the smug look that would be on his face if he knew how her stomach dropped when she saw him.

Officious onlookers waited front and center for her to take the hand he held out for her. The press had already begun their onslaught.

"Estella!! Christian!!"

"Over here Estella! Beautiful!"

"Is that Dior you've got on tonight?"'

"Why didn't you arrive together?? Why haven't we seen you together?"

"Trust me. You've got no idea what Estella and I have planned. Doesn't she look lovely?" He finally answered, hooking his arm around her waist charming the reporters with a smile and showing her off to the camera.

Press already swarming Freddie with their questions who, innately savvy, made it work for him.

"How did you meet Estella?"

"-Oh she's wonderful isn't she-" before he could get an answer out they were on to their next questions.

"What's going on with you two??"

As invasive as they were about who he was and why he was here, he couldn't help but get a little chatty, a natural star eating up the lime light beautifully.

"Okay Estella," A reporter buzzing around her like a mosquito lowered her glasses and raised her over-plucked eyebrows. Loud cobalt blue eyeshadow and creasing thin lines of her red lipstick reeling her in for the scoop. "What is the deal with you two?"

Unblinking against the flashing cameras, all at once, her feelings for Christian triggered like an avalanche. Right back on that roller coaster. She'd almost forgotten just how much her and Christian's worlds were intertwined.

She hadn't lost her composure. Nor the sparkle in her eyes. But she hadn't ventured to answer a single question. She waved to the cameras and entered the venue's foyer, alone, searching for a moment to breathe.

She took a seat at the cocktail bar, admiring the crystalline chandelier that sparkled overhead. Bouquets of light reflected and refracted in it all over the venue, diluting the chatter all around to a watery daydream.

Behind her, she could feel his silent steps approaching, his eyes burning into her back.

Christian leaned his forearm on the bar top and took a clean swig of his drink in hand. His thumb brushed against his chin near his lips, giving her his undivided attention.

She looked away. But his stare smoldered... Until there was no where else to look.

The masculine muscles in his jaw moved when he spoke first.


She sighed before replying. "Hi."

"You're here.."

"Is that a problem??"

"You look gorgeous." A slow smile spread across his face. "I'm glad to see you."

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