2. Composure

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Estella's eyes rested on Freddie, slowed and unblinking. Yet her effect is not harsh, but instead, soft and inviting. Enticed by her lips, not quite smiling but tilting as if they mean to. He hadn't expected that the depth of her eyes would absorb him. But they did.

To anyone not quite as drunk and merry in spirit, Roger, Brian, and John joining Freddie around the table he stood on presented an interesting new unfolding to say the least. Stepping down from the table, Freddie took a moment to lean on John's shoulder.

Without any instruments, stage lights, and no real stage whatsoever, Freddie the boys joined together, leading the crowd in quite a charismatic acapella version of 'Killer Queen.'

Freddie's voice was smooth and clear and powerfully hypnotic. Yet... Soothing, in a way. Beautiful, it was. Not only did she catch some of the audience beginning to sing along with him, She caught herself wishing he'd never stop.

He took a champagne glass, Sliding his fingers up it's curves, holding her attention in the palm of his hands. Charisma in his every move, easy, making himself right at home in a grand room full of some of the cliquish clans she'd ever met.

His body hit different levels. Throwing his head back, showing off the contours of his neck. Reeling her in, his fingers motioning her to come here, waiting for what his hands would touch next.

Orbiting around him; In that moment, he was like the Sun. Some were so close it burned them, some were the coldest, unconsciously wishing they could be closer. Lucky ones finding themselves perfectly in shot of his warmth. Larger than life, he was already overtaking the room. Loosening them up to respond to him. A natural MC who slipped under their judgment and spurred them.

Some of them even cheered, a few whistles at the finish, Smiling, Estella clapped. Not everyday that an attractive rockstar leads a flash mob to find you.

Freddie had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. Estella wondered... he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. He was handsome alright...

Stopping her heart on his way over to her seat when he reached her, he bowed, and he held out his hand for her to take

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Stopping her heart on his way over to her seat when he reached her, he bowed, and he held out his hand for her to take.

Unafraid to deepen her gaze, she read his eyes with a sensual stare that didn't let up.

His hand waited for hers. Sizing him up comfortably with her eyes; She knew he was dangerous. Slowly and controlled, one foot in front of the other toward him. Borderline intimidating cat-like eye contact. She accepted his hand. And Freddie savored how soft it felt in his...

Pulling her closer against his chest, he examined her. Her eyes like candlelight; in them, passion glimmered.

A small but teasing smile crept upon her face, goosebumps lined her skin, not the kind that one gets in the cold, but the kind one gets when you're doing something you know you shouldn't. 

She opted to lay her hands to rest on his shoulders. Venturing to close the distance, barely, just barely, he leaned into her, inhaling her scent and humming, the vibrations of his voice prickling her skin with more goosebumps. He grabbed her by the waist and felt her frame fit perfectly in his hands.

Two sure first steps together stretched into seamless glides, creating a small unlikely impromptu performance that took the entertainment to the next level.

He secured his hand around her waist and tightened his grip. He drew her closer to him, "You sure know how to throw a party."

The unique silkiness of his voice... It's strength, it's comfort... it enticed her.

"You sure know how to make a scene," she responded.

"My softer approach. I'm rougher when you're ready. "

"l'll make sure to plan for that

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"l'll make sure to plan for that." She played along.

And he liked that. Eyes full of mischief. "I dare you to."

"You dare me?"

"You heard me. I dare you."

"You don't dare me to do anything."

She looked away as if the outside world held her attention, but he read her like a book, eyes dropping to her chest, her breathing rate duly noted.

His gentle finger reoriented her face and held her attention. No smile on his lips, only the hot intensity of his gaze that injected liquid adrenaline into both their bloodstreams.

Lighthearted, casting seriousness to the side, Freddie made his way under her skin. "You like to make trouble for yourself don't you?" He dug his fingers into her waist, squeezing an approximate gasp like he owned her.

What Estella didn't want to admit was that her skin tingled where he touched her. Butterflies in her heaving chest as she breathed.

Dwelling on his voice, his face, his lips... Any space between them seemed too heavy, too thick, too much.

What she didn't want to admit was that she didn't feel like she could control herself around him. 

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