4. Arabesque

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The car pulled up the central driveway, past swan-shaped like hedges towards a two-story white lodge mansion embellished in neoclassical architecture.

When the car stopped, Estella nodded and politely excused herself

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When the car stopped, Estella nodded and politely excused herself. "Thank you."

Taking his time getting out of the car, Freddie came to her side. "You think you're gonna get rid of me like that?"

She tried to avert her eyes from his tight pants, sobering her expression. "No one's been in here with me."

"Well that's splendid—I don't know any 'no one's' around here.. good thing I'm Freddie Mercury." He took the lead towards the lodge anyway.

Hands on her hips, she planted her feet. "I usually do this alone, you know.."

"Not your usual day is it?" Continuing up the lodge's front steps, Freddie didn't turn back.

He ran his hand along the banister, up to the second level where he stood proudly on the balcony waiting for Estella to catch up.

She fought back a smile. "Well then.. I don't want to hear any complaints about you thinking this is boring."

"Sure won't be if I'm around dear..What's in there anyway?" He poked at her bag and squeezed it, trying to feel its contents. "When are you gonna show me??"

"What isn't in here is the real question." She shifted her bag to her opposite shoulder out of his reach. Yet Freddie followed her bag to her other side like a cat chasing a dangling toy. She swatted away his nosy attempts and his love for mischief.

The grand front door opened with a loud click, leading them down the vast and empty halls that were even whiter and brighter on the inside than out. The only thing that decorated the corridor's bright white walls were a series of sash windows.

On what felt like the longest walk ever to the last door at the end of the corridor, Freddie playfully skulked behind Estella as if she was his prey.

He didn't mind getting a full beautiful view of her from behind, admiring the way her hips and ass contrasted her waist.

In the room Estella chose at the end of the hall, inside, one giant mirror along the wall with a barre across its center. And beautiful black grand piano in the corner right next to a glorious arching window that Freddie couldn't wait to acquaint himself with.

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OPULENCE | Freddie Mercury FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora