1- Soulmates

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"Well, we have to go to dinner early today." Pansy swung her legs on Daphne's bed.

"Why?" Y/n raised her eyebrow, looking back at herself in the mirror.

"Beats me. An announcement, some people are saying." Pansy shrugged.

Daphne burst the bathroom door open.

"Someone looks happy." Pansy smiled. Daphne returned it.

"It's a nice day!" Daphne smiled and took a deep breath.

"I wish I could say the same." Pansy said, getting up from Daphne's bed. "Anyway, we need to go to the great hall now or we'll be late!" She finally looked at her watch.

"Oh, yes." Daphne made her way to the door.

They went down the stairs and entered the common room.

"Traitors." Someone spat from the couch at Pansy and Daphne. Before they could glare someone else spoke up.

"Mm. Still letting the Hufflepuff into the Slytherin Common Room. How disgusting." Draco Malfoy spat from the other side of the room. He was with Theo and Blaise, they all snickered.

"Shove off, inbred." Daphne spat as the three girls were walking along to the door. The girls snickered.

Draco was about to open his mouth at her words, a glare on his face when Pansy gave him the finger which made him more taken back. His eyes went to Y/n who fake pouted. She laughed at him quietly and finally they made their way out the door.

"He totally deserved that." Pansy told them and they chuckled, agreeing.

They arrived to the great hall and sat at a random table. It was cold, so Y/n wore a green jumper with jeans and white shoes. She looked beautiful in nearly, all the boys' point of view.

"Now," McGonagall paused as the three boys came in through the door. "Next time, don't be late. This is a serious matter." She said as they sat on the table next to the girls. They all gave each other side looks but looked at the teacher.

"Now, I've called you here today because, ever since the beginning of time, there was a secret, held for generations and generations." She paused. The students were all silent and giving her blank stares.

"The secret is that there is such a thing called Soulmates." She paused again and they gave her some confused looks.

"Huh?" Daphne whispered to Pansy and y/n.

"Beats me." Pansy whispered back.

"Everyone has a Soulmate, you'll start to know who your soulmate is in a few weeks, at least." She paused wearily, looking worried at everyone's confused faces. "Any questions?" She asked.

Y/n stood up slowly, a confused look on her face. She saw Malfoy roll his eyes.

"So you're saying we all have Soulmates?" She asked. Everyone nodded at her question, since it was a question they were all thinking, and looked at McGonagall for her answer.

"Yes, Ms Y/L/N. Any other questions?"

Y/n was still standing when Pansy stood up hurriedly.

"And my parents kept this from me?" She asked disbelievingly.

"Yes Ms Parkinson. They had to, and their parents had to, it was just like that."

"Why?" She asked.

"To protect people. We need to give people a normal life. There have been many incidents of people trying to figure out who their soulmate is before hand, which is not what we want." McGonagall answered. Y/n and Pansy both sat down gobsmacked.

"That's rubbish." Draco said loud enough for people to hear.

Theo spoke up. "There are no books on it, no records, surely someone would of said something to us by now."

"And how do we even know who our.. "soulmate" is?" Blaise asked. McGonagall blinked several times.

"It's not rubbish, and there are no books on it because it's a very strict subject. There are many laws in place. If someone else told someone of the Soulmate situation to someone who didn't know yet, they would be locked away. And, Mr Zabini, if you would like to find your soulmate, in a few weeks, you will start to show a golden mark, anywhere on your body, and it will to match that of your soulmates." She finished.

It was silent.

"So what happened to your soulmate?" Someone from the front asked slowly.

She sighed. "My soulmate was killed by Voldemort in the first Wizarding War." She smiled sadly.

"Are we supposed to feel bad?" Draco whispered. y/n's eyebrows furrowed at his words and she turned to him.

"Have some compassion!" She hissed at him.

"Don't tell me what to do, idiot." He hissed back. They glared at each other and she was about to say something when McGonagall's voice brought them back.

"Now, as I said, you'll start to gain a golden mark on your person, and your soulmate will have a matching one." McGonagall told them.

"What happens if we don't be with our soulmate?" Daphne asked, standing up.

"Then, you'll have a life filled with sadness. You can be with someone else, but now not many people reject their soulmates. You and your soulmate would be lonely. You are soulmates for a reason."

Daphne nodded slowly and sat down. She was unsure.

"Dinner will be starting, then off to your rooms. Please think about this and if you have any questions, come forth." She smiled faintly and turned away, leaving. The food appeared and suddenly all the other students came in.

Y/n, Daphne and Pansy grabbed all the food they needed and their plates, and left the great hall, to sit outside in the court yard. Many other angry students also stormed out.

They were in a weird silence, just thinking of the words that were just spoken to them.

Y/n had.. somewhat accepted it. If it went on for generations and generations, then she was bound to become apart of it. It was in her fate.

She just hoped whoever they were, they were nice, smart, and didn't mind that she was their soulmate.

Generation of Soulmates (d.m x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora