
"WHAT THE FUCK LUC-ASS?" I made sure to emphasize the ass.

Lucas dragged me inside of Michael's ginormous estate.

His bone crushing grip, once again on my arm.

That shit is going to leave a bruise.

We were now in Italy and were attending the 'party' tomorrow.

The rooms were so big, it felt as though one of them was the size of my house that i once lived in. He dragged me up the huge, carpet staircase. A chandelier appearing on the side as i step on the top step.

"Get inside, puttana." He growled while shoving me in one of the rooms and locking the door from the outside. (Bitch)

That fucker did leave a bruise on my arm.

"CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I scream to myself. The echoes of my broken voice jumping wall to wall.

I spot a small, black rectangular picture frame. Inside was a picture of Lucas and Michael. It looked they were laughing their asses off in the living room. 

I miss those days with Alyssa. 

I took the frame and reached down my bra for the small packing of coke.

What the fuck.

Where is it?

Panic flooded through me as i traced back to everything i did after i stole the cocaine.


It must've dropped when i took off my bra.

...In front of Lucas.

 Why didn't he say anything?

"Why do the worst things happen to me." I sighed, rolling my eyes while falling back on the bed. 

An idea struck my numb mind. 

What if i escape now?

There is a window right at the back of the bedroom and it leads to a balcony. What if i just escape from there? 

I might fail miserably, but hey...

never give up!

I cringed from my motivation as my back left the soft, delicate mattress. I walked up to the back door and opened it in one swift motion, the wind rushing past me making my brown locks frame my face.

I might die, but atleast i tried!

 I don't want to live this life. A life that i have no say in. I want to live my own life, and I am going to live it.

I took a deep breath, praying it wasn't my last. My hands slowly grazed the railings as i took a step up. 


one of the guards saw me

better go quick, Cora.

My now sweaty hands grab onto the side of the enormous house. My feet make fast, quick moves along the side. I have nothing to hold on to. Just a small line of cement that lines the side of the house. 

no turning back now, keep going.

The wind rushes past me, making my hair rebel. 

this is so much more harder in a fucking ball gown.

"Cora!" A voice shouts at me.

I look to the side, trying to look past my hair to see who it is.

It Micheal. Great timing, asshole.

"Sorry Michael, i gotta go right now, i'm doing something really important." I said trying not to fall to my death.

He looked at me with a pale face and his lips were pressed into a firm line. 

He looked so impressed.

Michael's POV:

I was not impressed.

 What the hell was she doing? Does she not know there would be guards waiting for her? 

"Cora, come here." I stepped closer to the railing, my hands in front of me faced down, like i was trying to tame a wild animal.

"Take my hand." i offered her my hand.

"Bitch why would i take that piece of shit."

"Fucking take it." She started testing my patience.

Hesitation drowned her face. I probably held my hand out for a good five minutes, before her finally reaching out.

Our hands met. 

Her hand in mine. I gripped it so hard, my palms turned white. I slowly pulled her in and with another hand i reached for her waist. She was on top of the railing now, looking down on me. I grabbed her waist with my other hand and placed her down. 

"You could've fucking died." I shouted in her face.

"Okay? It's not like i asked you to help me." She rolled her eyes.

This girl is going to be the end of me.


Sup bitches. I was listening to emotional ass music while writing the last part, and i got a little emotional 😭 ANYWHO... Chapter 9 will be out shortly, don't know when cuz to be honest i don't have a schedule.

And cuz my third quadmester just started leaving me with English, and Art, i'll try my best to upload a new chapter every day, if not every other other day.




i changed some scenes- 


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