Chapter 8: Don't you just love spiders?

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     It is I, 66. Very sorry about the late update! Been a little busy with stuff like school and gaming. Also, I was trying to draw in a new art style, for lineless art, and I LOVE IT! The test is with Skeppy's look so I might share it :) 

     Anyhow, I have the next chapter :D It's not too long, but I didn't want to make it that long because this chapter was a pain to write and kind of boring. Don't worry though :) Hopefully, the following chapters will be a little more interesting.  It's going to be SBI!

Enjoy the chapter!


   Time: 13:20 



     Bad's eyes widened. He swung to his left to see what happened and if Skeppy was alright.

     Was that voice the one that Skeppy was telling me about? He thought, mind spinning. He looked at Skeppy, and his eyes widened in awe. 

     There was a layer of the bluish clear diamonds that covered over Skeppy's head, sprouting from what he guessed was his back, reaching up to its destination.

     "SKEPPY! YOUR DIAMONDS!" Bad exclaimed. The diamonds were cracked in places, looking like they would shatter at any second. Before they could though, the crystals slowly shrunk down, though, vanishing in his skin.

     Rat, Bad's dog, swung around, to the shooter, and Bad, remembering that dealing with the stranger was more important, followed, quickly aligning his knife with the person's throat.

     "Put. The. Gun. Down." Bad said coldly.

     The person slowly raised his hand to his eyes, which Bad realized, were covered by a thick dark grey band, or bandana, wrapping around his eyes and head. In the center of the bandana, there was a lighter stretch of grey, covering a few inches, before returning to the usual dark grey.

     "Don't try anything funny, or I'll stab you." Bad said. Would I stab him though? He's a normal person too. Maybe we can work something out? Why am I threatening to stab someone!? 

     To protect Skeppy, obviously.

     "Fine. Congrats. You caught me. Wow." The person said in his French accent, voice coated in sarcasm.

     Bad watched tensely as the person raised their hand up to their bandana, and moved up, revealing a glowing purple eye. Suddenly, he grinned.

     "You shouldn't have trust me."

     Purple particles surrounded the person suddenly, and he vanished. Bad swung around, shocked, to see the person appear in another whiff of particles, at the end of the hall. The person sprinted out of the building.

     "Let's follow him Bad! He's dangerous!" Skeppy yelled, chasing after him.

    "Skep! It's useless! I think he can teleport! Besides, the military can deal with him!" Bad yelled after him, to no avail. Skeppy was still sprinting after the person

     Bad rolled his eyes. Skeppy is ALWAYS running into danger. Someday, that muffin is going to get stuck in the muffiny mess he creates. Bad thought, annoyed, but started chasing down Skeppy regardless, deciding that it'd be better if he follows, to stop Skeppy from doing something he'd regret.

     Bad chased after Skeppy, into the open air. "Skeppy stop! He can teleport! Remember?"

     Bad glanced around, in the cool crisp air, and shivered slightly. When did it become so cold? It's the middle of summer.

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