Chapter 7: Look Out! He's Got a Gun!

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Art for this chapter: None because I have a chibi drawing I did of them, but a6d doesn't look the best in it.

Ok, It is I, 66. This regards the trio (only used to refer to Bad, Skeppy, and A6D).

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but a good amount of people doesn't really like him due to some drama and some other stuff. I'm not really educated on this, so I don't want to go around saying stuff, and offending people, so I'm not going to say what or anything. I heard he cleared himself up though.

Ok, cutting to the chase: Some people don't really like him, so I'm putting it to a vote.

Either a6d can stay in the story and not get killed off, but not be as frequently appearing (but might be a little OCC, because I've only watched a few videos of his) or, He is introduced, and'll get killed off. Or, other, where you input ideas. If you agree with ideas in the other, reply to them saying something like I agree.

However, A6d will be in the story, even if it's just for a short amount of time. (He'll be slapped in probably after the time-skip, but it's still uncertain, and doesn' matter which.)

Vote here:

1: A6d lives. (Not as much screentime as the rest of the people because I don't want him to be that OCC.)

2: A6d lives, but then dies not too far into the story.

3: Other

Votes will be counted eventually. (Probably in a few muffin trio chapters.)


An Hour Prior to the Events of Chapter 6

12:30 – 5 Hours since the 'machines' appeared


     Bad sighed. "It was stupid for us to start running like that. I mean, the military could probably take down the weird machines right Skeppy?"

     "Well, I mean, we could have died if we stayed. I bet the machine thing would have found us. I mean, you saw what it did to that side-street, right?" Skeppy said, looking at the wall of the small 1-77 they were in.

(A/N: I'll have you know; I got my first slushie at 7-11 a few days ago (A week ago by the time I publish this chapter) and I also got pop-rocks at a next-door store. Hear me out. Get some poprocks in one hand, your slushie in the other, and quickly throw the poprocks in your mouth, and as fast as possible, take a big sip of slushie, it feels SO cool! The pops are like, floating in your mouth. Its POG.)

     It was empty, people probably either ran, went home, or they broke in. It was shaped like an 'L' except flipped horizontally, then vertically. It was stocked with all sorts of food. In the back, down the small and more hidden side of the store, was a few slushie machines, with cups.


     Skeppy froze suddenly. Oh no. Oh no. On no. What's that? He thought, glancing at Bad.

     Bad's eyes were wide, and glowing more than usual.


     Skeppy jumped up and looked out the window of the 1-77, and he grinned suddenly at the sight.

     Trucks, with cameo patterns on them, started driving by at fast speeds. After a few seconds, Skeppy saw four identical large spear-like legs (If you could call them that) smashed into the ground, digging a few feet into the ground, and proceeding to pull a huge machine forward.

Our Shattered World || MCYT Apocalypse Ability AU ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon