Hisoka drug his gaze over her, moving one of his hands over the wound on her stomach as he activated his bungee gum to stem the bleeding. Panic began to claw at his throat as he evaluated her condition. She needed help, she needed a doctor. But the med bay is shut down with the lock down- where could he take her?

Hisoka carefully slipped an arm under her legs and back, her pitiful- pained cry as he lifted her made his chest ache. He grimaced as he felt bones shift unnaturally under his hands.

"Sshh~" He cooed gently, cradling her head in the crook of his shoulder. She felt so cold against him- so pitiful and weak. Kinta could barely even keep her eyes open long enough to look at him. "It's okay Kitten~ your going to be okay~"

Leorio, he needed to get her to him. He was the only one who might be able to help her. He'd stayed behind to look after Kurapika, so Hisoka knew where he was.

"Hi-soka-" Kinta whimpered as he began to run through the halls again, the jostling movement must hurt like hell, but he needed to move quickly.

"Hold on~" Hisoka held her tightly as he swiftly moved through the halls.

He felt her fingers grip the front of his shirt, he could feel her fear rolling off of her and her energy slowly seeping out of her. The magician could feel his own fear gradually building. He was losing her, Hisoka couldn't lose her. Not now, not ever.

"You promised you'd never leave, remember~?" Hisoka hated how his voice shook as he spoke. "You pinky promised love~ your not going anywhere~"

"Hhm-" Her eyes were almost closed, but she managed a tight nod against his chest.

Hisoka looked up just as he rounded the last corner. "Leorio~!" he hated how panicked his voice sounded, but Hisoka was almost choking on the fear clawing its way up his throat. He'd been running so hard that he slid a little as he came to a stop.

The boy looked up from his crouched position over Kurapika on the couch, his eyes falling immediately on the bloody heap in Hisoka's arms.

"Oh my god- Kinta?!" He rushed over just as Hisoka knelt down to gently lay her on the floor, keeping her head cradled in his hand. Kinta's glazed over eyes seemed to barely register what was going on around her, she looked so deathly pale as a small trickle of blood dribbled from her mouth and nose.

"What the hell happened?!" Leorio exclaimed, probing the large wound on her stomach. "Holy hell-"

"She was attacked~" Hisoka didn't take his eyes off her, he knew what it looked like right before somebody died. Hisoka and Death were well acquainted, and right now it looked like Kinta was about to slip away right in front of him. Panic clawed his throat as he dragged his gaze away from her to look at Leorio, Kurapika was still passed out on the couch behind him.

"Help her~ please~" he really hated how small and desperate his voice sounded, but dammit he was desperate.

Leorio looked shocked for a moment before a determined look washed over his face. "I'll do everything I can." He reached over and grabbed his briefcase, digging around until he produced a small vial and syringes.

"This should help with the pain-" He murmured as he stuck a needle into her neck.

Kinta's eyes fluttered as she slowly went limp against Hisoka's arms. "Kinta~ you've gotta stay awake~ Kinta!" Her eyes rolled back as she sagged against him.

"Shit-!" Leorio cursed under his breath as he pressed a massive wad of gauze against her stomach. "She's- she's bleeding out internally- she needs a hospital!"

"Then buy her some time~" Hisoka growled darkly, not dragging his gaze away from her face as the last of the color drained from her skin.

"I'm trying!" Leorio exclaimed desperately.

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