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I am Lalisa Manoban. I believe I'm an artist. I love to draw and sculpt. I know it's an expensive hobby, but I make sure to get more part time projects so I can buy my art materials.
I'm already on my freshmen year in college and taking up Political Science.
Yes, I didn't take Fine Arts or anything related to my passion. I came from a poor family. But my parents work so hard just to send me to school. They want me to become a lawyer, so, here I am having a Pre-Law course as a scholar.

This new University I am in is a prestigious one and really well-known for the quality of education it gives.
My goal is to be on top; to graduate with high honors and proceed to Law. Not only pass the board exam but also to be a topnotcher. I have high ambitions in life. I have dreams for my family.

But even if I have high hopes for my life, there's one thing I am so insecure about. Myself.
I am bullied because of my introvert personality. Yes. High school was hell especially when my mates found out about my most hidden secret —
me being an intersex. Ugh.
What can I do? I got this already.

I'm used to people bullying me and playing with me. It's actually no longer my main problem anymore. I just let people do it if that makes them happy. I just continue with life.
Let's say, I am just lucky because I still have friends like Rosé, Jisoo and Bam. We're classmates since fourth grade and didn't separate from that day on. I am so happy when I knew they are also entering this University.
I really appreciate them because even if they are so rich, they don't treat me like someone else. They even enjoy coming to my house in the poorest area of Seoul where houses stick to each other and train passing by that serves as our alarm clock every hour.

Honestly, I always get intimidated by this school where I am studying now.
Students are so fucking rich while here I am, I only have three pairs of jeans and my shoes are trying to survive everyday. But thanks to my brother Hanbin who sends me money sometimes so I can buy clothes. He is now in Germany working as a waiter in a restaurant so he can help my parents for their medicine maintenance and my studies as well. But I don't let him spoil me even if he is willing to give all my needs. He has his own life too.
I miss him so much! Someday, if I'll become rich, I will take him back here so he can be with us. I get hurt whenever we talk through video calls and he is experiencing homesickness.

My personality goes as being shy, quiet and always hesitant. Maybe because I just want to be sure of what I do. But there's one thing I am proud of myself. I am clear with what I want when it comes to my studies and I make sure not to mess things up.

Love life? None.
Not on my list of interests. But I admit, I always get praises because of my good looks and my intelligence by women. Sometimes, I would just ignore unknown numbers texting and calling me. I don't have any idea how they got my number. There's this one girl who always wants my time. Nancy. She's our classmate since high school and she is also studying here in the University. I'm just happy that she did not take the course I took. It's not that I don't like her. I like her as a person but it's far from romantic attraction. I just don't have time for love and crush or whatever you call it.

Not until..

Rosé's voice can be heard all over the auditorium before our orientation started.

"Oh, my God! Rosé, it's been so long. How are you?"
Her voice dug the blood in my heart and shook all the emotions I have in my body.

I look at her and she has these feline eyes that sparkle like paradise, lips that are so tender in pink and a perfect body. Too perfect.

The two hugged each other and talked while we wait for Rosé to finish their conversation so we can find our seats.

I actually can't stop glancing at her. But I stopped when she noticed it.

"Oh, by the way, this is Jennie. She is my childhood friend back in New Zealand before we lived here in Korea. Jen, this is Bam, Lisa and Jisoo, my girlfriend. She is taking up Biology, guys."
Rosé introduced us to each other and I just raised my eyebrows at her and smiled a little.
I became so shy especially when she smiled back at me.

After their thirty-minute chitchat, we finally got to sit.

"Hmmm. Chae? That friend of yours, Jennie. She is from New Zealand, right?"
I asked while the orientation is going on.

"Yes. But she was born here in Korea too just like me. Why did you ask?"
Rosé asked.

"Nothing. I like her accent. So sexy to my ears."
I said.

"It's the first time you said something good about a woman, huh?"
Bam butt in.

"You like her, Manoban. I can see it in your eyes."
Jisoo teased me. No. She's serious.

"What? No. I was just asking."
I said and swallowed my saliva.

"You're lying. You and Nancy are over, right? What's wrong of courting someone again?"
Bam said.

"Nancy and I? We never had a relationship. You all know that. And court someone else? How can I? I can't even buy another pair of brand new shoes. How can I maintain a girl just like Jennie? She looks like an upper class."
I said.

"She really is. Born with gold and diamonds in her blood. Daughter of a famous lawyer and her mother owns businesses. But wait, do you like Jennie, Lisa? I can help you. But I want to tell you that Jennie doesn't run out of suitors. Okay?"
Rosé told us.

Okay. I'm not aiming.
Wake up, Lisa. You're not the one for her.

"You know we should listen to the speaker now."
I said and ignored all the tease they threw at me.

Back off, Lis.
You'll just get hurt.

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