I'll Be Your Hero (Marina)

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Maya Bishop was quite happy on her way to her friend's house which is in the mountains. She had a good day and now she is about to go to a party with her best friends. She was listening to loud music and even though it was raining and it was dark she was smiling and singing the whole time. Hero by Supergirl was so loud but Maya didn't care. She was happy and this song was so inspiring to her before and after her shifts.

Carina DeLuca was driving from the mountains. She was in another town near Seattle and now she is going to spend her night at Amelia's with her and Teddy, because they don't have to work tomorrow. She was going to call Amelia to tell her that she is on her way but she couldn't because her phone didn't have signal and she wasn't able to call anyone. The raining was awful, you almost couldn't see your eyes, so Carina slowed down. She didn't notice the bend in front of her and she end up in the ditch...

Maya slowed down because of the rain.
"Damn, I can't see anything." she said to herself. She leant forward in attempt to see more. Soon she noticed a car on the side of the road in the ditch.
"Oh God..." she said and parked her car and got out of it and ran to the other car.
"Hey, is anyone in here?" she shouted. Fortunately the rain wasn't so bad it was stills raining so she put her hood on.
"I'm here." a woman answered.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Maya asked.
"My leg and my head hurts."
"It's okay, don't move. I'm trying to help you. What's your name?"
"Hi Carina, my name is Maya. Do you remember what happened?"
"Yes, it was too rainy and I don't know the road well enough so I ended up here."
"Okay. I will try to call help."
"Phones are not working here. There is no signal."
"Damn it. Okay, I will find a solution."
"I'm cold." Carina said weakly.
"Here." Maya took off her jacket and put on Carina. "I'm going to my car, maybe I have a blanket and a first aid kit because you have a cut on your head."
"I have a first aid kit."
"Okay. I'll be right back." Maya said and ran to her car. She found a blanket and took her aid kit.
"I'm here. What's wrong?"
"I can't feel my leg."
"Don't panic. It will be fine. Stay still, I will take care of your cut." Maya said as she leaned in because Carina was able to open the door.
"I'm a doctor and I'm not sure if I can survive this."
"Of course you will survive. Where are you working?"
"At Grey Sloan. I'm the head of OB."
"Sounds good. Why OB?"
"Because when a baby born it's a new life. And it's amazing."
"That's nice. Tell me more about yourself. You have to speak."
"Okay. Well, I came from Italy, I moved here a few years ago. My baby brother Andrew has been living there since he was a little boy so partly I moved here because of him."
"He works at Grey Sloan too, right?"
"Yes, he is an intern."
"I get it." Maya said. "Okay, I took care of your cut."
"Thank you."
"Are you still cold?"
"A little bit." Carina said. Maya was trying to figure out what to do.
"I will go to find a signal somewhere to call 911."
"Okay. I'll be there." Carina smiled softly.
"I'll be back soon. Don't move and try not to sleep. You have to stay awake."
"Okay." Carina sighed. Maya started to run as fast as she can while she was looking at her phone. Her phone started to ring.
"Andy, I will call you back later. Sorry, I'm helping someone." Maya said and hung up the phone and called 911.
"We'll send an aid car as soon as we can but there is a lot of call."
"The woman is not feeling her leg. Did you understand?"
"Ma'am sorry, this weather requires a lot of aid car." Maya sighed and hung up the phone.
"Please God, send us an aid car to save her." She said and ran back to Carina.
"I'm here." She said.
"Will you stay here?"
"Yes. I'm staying here with you. How are you?"
"I've been better. But I'm okay. Were you able to call 911?"
"Yes. They are sending an aid car."
"Good. I guess." Carina sighed. Her hand found Maya's.
"Don't move. I'm here." Maya said as she gently squeezed Carina's hand.
"Why were you driving here?"
"I knew that someone will be there so I can save her life." Maya said and Carina smiled.
"I would rather you to meet with me in a bar or something not in the middle of an empty road." Carina said.
"Actually we are not in the middle." Maya said.
"Oh, come on, that's not funny." Carina laughed.
"But you are laughing at it so it means something."
"Okay, okay. But seriously what are you doing here?"
"I was going to meet with my friends in the mountains, she is having a party at her weekend house."
"Sounds cool. Better plans than saving my ass."
"Saving other people is my favorite thing to do."
"Yeah, I bet." Carina sighed.
"What would you do if we were met at a bar?"
"I would buy you a drink."
"What if I don't let you? Because I'm sad and I want to drink alone?"
"I would convince you."
"Sounds good." Maya laughed.
"My head hurts." Carina said.
"I know. It's gonna be okay. The aid car will be there soon." Maya said as she ran her hand gently through Carina's hair.
"When? It's been so long since you have called them."
"It's been two minutes."
"Damn. That's nothing."
"They will be there soon." As Maya said this sentence they heard the aid car.
"I told you." Maya smiled. She wanted to take a step back so the paramedics will see her.
"Don't leave. Please."
"I just want to make sure that they are going to notice us." Maya answered. The aid car stopped and the paramedics ran to them.

Soon Carina was in the aid car, but Maya wasn't by her side.
"Hey, where is the blonde girl?" Carina asked the paramedic.
"She went to your car. She grabs your phone and gives it to us so we can call someone to you."
"Can I speak to her?"
"If she follows us then you can." Meanwhile Maya passed Carina's phone to the other paramedic.
"Good job, captain."
"Thanks." Maya nodded and went to her car to go to Andy's.

"Carina DeLuca, injuries on her leg, her head. Breathing is okay, stable."
"DeLuca what happened to you?" Bailey asked.
"I was driving in the rain."
"We came as soon as we can." Amelia ran into the ER.
"I thought we are having our day off." Teddy smiled at Carina.
"I'm sorry. I didn't plan this."
"Lucky girls. My husband also has a day off so he went to a party with his colleagues to the mountains. I hope he is fine."
"The girl who found me was also going to the mountains to a party."
"What was her name?"
"Maya. She didn't say her last name."
"Yes. She is Ben's boss. She is the fire captain."
"The World is so small." Teddy said.
"She is an Olympic gold medalist. She became captain a few months ago."
"She is my hero." Carina said as she thought of the blonde.

A/N: I'm not good at paramedic and medical things so if I made any mistake please forgive me :( Hope you like it. Have a nice day and stay safe. And of course thank you for your kind comments ❤️ you could ask why Maya did not follow the aid car? Well I don't know. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe next time...

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