Chapter 14

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We all sat around the dinner table which, by the help of Sufian and I, had been moved into the living room and extended out so as to fit the majority of us. All except for Yusuf who sat at the coffee table eating his dinner whilst the rest of us enjoyed the tasty couscous Soukaina and Yasmina had cooked.

I had to admit it was very delicious.

'This taste very good. My compliments to the chefs,' I said to the two sisters whilst eating a large spoonful.

They both smiled my way.

'Thank you,' said Yasmina.

'I'm glad you like it,' Soukaina added. 'Does Fatima cook as well as this at your house?' she asked glancing over to her daughter.

Fatima blushed at her mother's words.

She furrowed her eyes at her mother who responded with a wink in her direction, wearing a big smirk over her face. I couldn't help but try to resist the urge to laugh, as did everyone else sat around the table.

'Fatima, if you're going to make a good mother and wife to someone you need to know how to cook as well as I do, my dear,' Soukaina joked in Arabic.

'Urgh, Momma!' Fatima groaned rolling her eyes.

Soukaina gave out a cheeky chuckle at her daughter as she continued with her plate.

I set my right hand over Fatima's left and caressed the top of her knuckles with my thumb, garnering a sweet smile from her side.

'Actually I struggle to keep her out of the kitchen sometimes,' I said to the two. 'But she does cook very well.'

Fatima looked at me and I sent her a smirk which made her smile spread even further along her lips.

The two older women could clearly see the good relationship and support we have for one another. As much as Soukaina loves to tease her daughter though she holds high faith in Fatima being able to accomplish anything – as do I have faith in her.

'Well, I'm glad to see you're both doing so well together,' said Yasmina before she turned her head over to Ikram sat on her right. 'Hopefully Ikram will one day meet a nice boy that will make her feel as special as you do with Fatima.'

This time Ikram was the one to roll her eyes as she sipped on her glass of water.

She peaked over at me as I looked at her and it was fair to say we both know what's on each other's minds. If ever was a good time to bring up that discussion Ikram wanted to have with her family then now was without a doubt the best time.

So after a quick nod of my head to her I took my glass and raised it to my mouth, keeping it close by to my lips as I blurted out the words: 'or a girlfriend,' loud enough for everyone to hear.

Needless to say it certainly got everyone's attention as an eerie silence took over the room.

'I'm sorry, what was that?' asked Yasmina looking straight at me with eyes wide open.

I certainly felt the heat of all eyes on me as everyone, including Fatima and Ikram herself, were looking right at me. So I set my glass down and cleared my throat, looking Yasmina straight in the eyes as I responded.

'Umm, Yasmina... I think Ikram has something she's been meaning to tell you all for quite some time.'

I looked over again at Ikram and gave her a reassuring nod of my head.

Now all the eyes were on Ikram as both her parents, aunt and cousin – who's eyes were darting between her and myself for answers –all sat patiently for Ikram to say what she needed to say.

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