The Snapping of a Rubber Band

Start from the beginning

"Tell me, Jean-Pierre Polnareff, what are you implying."

His mind, went blank. The alcohol seemed to have tainted his cognitive thought process well, because Jean seemed to stop thinking all together. Kakyoin's silky voice had spat out his name like it was vemon, but it still sounded so enciting that it was unfair. He could feel the redhead's warm breath agaisnt his face due to the lack of any real distance between them. He was also: being manhandled. Polnareff, smirked.

"What do you think I'm implying, maître."
Noriaki balked, he seemed to let go of the man as if his hand burned. His eyebrows were furrowed deep upon his face, a look of confusion and shock ran through his features. Then, it flushed a deeper red.

"Do you think...that I don't speak French?"he snapped, "I had nothing better to do than to learn languages during my youth! You absolute, perverted creature driven only by his cock! You never fucking think about what you're going to say do you? Sober or drunk!"

Jean blinked, he was taken aback by the insult. It wasn't the first time he had been called a pervert, by the ginger. Yet, the teenager himself was far more dirty minded than he let on. There was a lot about the younger Stand User that he kept all to himself, as if he locked away the deepest depths of his heart and only let people see the surface. The French-man had only been playing - yet, it seemed he struck a nerve. Without another word, Kakyoin spun around.

"Wait...Nori,"the white-haired man breathed out, and he reached forwards as if trying trying close the distance that seemed to be expanding between them. "I didn't mean to say anything that hurt you. I was only playing."

A crack appeared in the wall behind the Crusader's head, his long locks of hair, whipping about as he felt [Hierophant] slash past him. Polnareff blinked, and he touched his cheek where a slow drip of blood began. A paper thin cut was upon his face. Noriaki's frame shook, and his usually steady voice was wavering. He wasn't facing the man, face buried into his hands.

"That's the problem. You're always playing. You're always messing with my heart, messing with my feelings! Messing with me. How can you be so fucking blind! I don't you can't see...the way I look at you..." the redhead's voice broke now, sobs dislocating his words. "I try my best best be cruel and cold to you. To try and force you away, but you keep coming back...I've never - felt this way before. It terrifies me, how much power power have over my feelings...I get so pissed off when I see you flirt with women. Hell, I didn't even like you talking to Jotaro..."

Noriaki, wrapped his arms around himself. [Hierophant Green] formed the Stand hovering about, slowly, unraveling about the room. Cresting a web around its User, protecting him from the outside world. From Jean. Polnareff felt something in his heart begin to splinter, as he watched the male crumble before his eyes.

"I'm such a disgusting person. Do you know how many times I've thought of keeping you all to myself? That I've thought of abandoning this trip and taking you with me? Thought, about touching you...But how could you ever see me as anything except for some, pathetic boy. I thought I could just keep you out of my heart, but you kept coming back..."

Tears, we're flowing down Polnareff's own features leaving dark streaks through his face. He reached forwards, going to stand up and approached the redhead, but he stopped. [Hierophant] had unwound itself all across the room in deadly threads. It would lash out at anything that touched it. He closed his eyes, and summoned his own will-power. [Chariot] slipped through the mine-field with speed and precision, not touching a single strand as it danced its way to the other bed.

Noriaki jolted from his slouched position, as he felt luke-warm arms wrap around him. He lifted his head, and he heard the French-man's voice beside his ear. [Silver Chariot] was conveying the message.

"Noriaki Saishi Kakyoin! Don't ever call yourself disgusting again. I understand that, you must feel selfish and vile. That your brain keeps telling you that what you want is wrong - and it makes your heart bleed...but please, don't run away from me. Please, don't lock me out." The green-ghostly tendrils began to retreat, as Kakyoin's eyes widened. Jean slowly stood up, following the fleeing presence of the Stand. "I want to get yo know you, the real you. I want to know what this strange feelings between us are. I know you're not one to back away from a challenge..."

The warmth, changed. Real heat seeped into Kakyoin's bones as strong arms wrapped around his torso. He felt shuddering breaths slip down his neck as Jean buried his face into it. The white-haired man's voice was soft, the tears on their faces had run dry. The alcohol, seemed to be doing nothing to full their sense. Both were hyper aware of the other - so close snd yet, so agonizingly far.

"So, don't back down from me. Give me, hell, Noriaki. Give"

The redhead, spun around and pulled Polnareff almost to the floor with the hug he returned. Kakyoin buried his entire face into the man's chest, trying trying hide the grinning that was breaking through the left over tears.

"Who knew, an idiot like you, could be such a poet." The teenager mumbled, and he pulled away dusting himself off- blushing profusely. He seemed to be trying to gain thag high and mighty composure he usually held. Jean chuckled. The man grabbed at Kakyoin's collar, and pulled him close pressing his mouth to his ear, purring.

"There's a lot of things this idiot can do. Want ti find out what they are?"he attempted to throw a wink at the redhead, but instead of finding a flustered Noriaki - he found bright, violet eyes cutting him in half. He gulped. "Hey, Nori, what's with that look? I  didn't make you mad again did I? One mental breakdown is enough for me to deal with-"

His arms were pinned down down the matress. The long-haired male, found himself being trapped beneath Kakyoin. His face flushed. "Oi-Kakyoin, what do you think you're doing-?"

All objection, melted with the first kiss.

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Jotaro, stared. He couldn't help it. Befoee him was the strangest sight he hsd ever seen on this trip and that was saying a lot. Rather than, shoving him away - or just, flat out punching the man, Kakyoin- was allowing Jean to lay on him. The French-man's head was resting on the shorter's shoulders, passed out. Kakyoin huffed and he patted the male's head, a soft smile playing across his features.

The Joestar leaned over to his just as amazed grandfather, "Are they...okay?"

Joseph scratched at his head, "I don't know. I mean it nice they're getting along well but, unnerving too."

The Egyptian who stood behind them, had a large knowing smirks plastered across his face. "Dont worry about it. They just had a bit of a heart to heart last night."

The dark-haired teenager next to him raised an eyebrow, "And how do you know this?"

Avdol tapped his ear, "I heard it. They grew real close last night. "

Joseph paled, "OH MY GOD-!"

"Mr.Joestar! Shut up, or you'll wake Jean-I mean, Polnareff!"

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