Moving my gaze, I can see all of the other girls' faces in the mirror. I let my eyes fall on each if them in turn to assess their reactions. They're shocked, jealous, and some of them turned on. Trying to control myself, I grip the vanity behind Alice, placing her between my arms. She takes the opportunity to rub my shoulders, my neck, and she plays with my hair. I growl in response.

"I hope this gives you fuel for tonight," I husk, forcing myself to step back. It's difficult but I manage it.

Alice chews on her bottom lip and looks away, embarrassed. Her pink tinged cheeks are cute and the urge to kiss her again surfaces. But I ignore it. I need to go see how the club is doing, see if Marv requires me. Mentally I shake myself to stop thinking about Alice.

"You girls should continue getting ready," I say, when I'm sure I'm okay. "I'm going to see if Marv needs anything." I smile sweetly at all of them, then walk out of the dressing room. I stand outside for a moment to listen to their conversation. It's highly amusing.

"Oh my god!"

"That was so hot."

"You lucky bitch."

"Start making fun of me. I want her to tease me next!"

"I think I need a cold shower..."

I laugh to myself then stop eavesdropping. As I make my way upstairs I can still taste Alice's mouth. Her taste is mixed with my sleep and it's oddly delicious. Smiling, I knock on the door to Marv's office, then enter when she allows me. I find her sitting behind her desk, talking into her cell phone. I'm silent as she finishes her call.

"Yeah. Good job. Bring another shipment later. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about it. Yeah. Okay. Bye." Marv ends her call, putting her cell down on her desk, then looks to me. "Joe," she says, tapping her phone with her first finger. She's staring intently at me, her eyes hard. My feet shuffle nervously and I look down, suddenly afraid.

"I want to talk to you about last night," Marv says. She clears her throat, making me look at her, and I already know whats coming. Last night was a mistake on my part. A huge, huge mistake.

Marv leans forward, clasping her hands together. "What the fuck was that?"

"I'm sorry I made such a mess. I got a little carried away..." I begin, almost whimpering.

Marv waves her hand at me, indicating me to sit down. "I don't care about that anymore. I'm talking about how you looked like you were going to kill me." She gazes intently at me, waiting for my answer.

"I..." I sit down and look at my feet. I was hoping that I didn't have to speak on it, but Marv expected an honest answer. "I was in a rage. When I get too far into it, nothing can stop me," I say quietly, but loud enough that Marv can near me clearly. "Luckily you stopped me from reaching the peak by slapping me. Thank you." I twiddle my thumbs, keeping my gaze on my feet. I truly am thankful that Marv was brave and strong enough to hit me out of my blood lust. Not many were.

Marv doesn't speak for a long moment. Eventually she relaxes in her seat. "It's over now," she says. "Forget about it. I already fixed the lock on the front door and everything's cleaned up." She sighs. "I'm just glad those assholes didn't wreck the place. You did good. I'm pleased."

My head snaps up, a smile across my face. She's pleased with me. Really and truly?

"Yeah yeah. I know how much you like hearing that." Marv laughs. "Go on and make sure everything ready. We open in five minutes."

I scurry off to make sure everything is ready, checking in with all the guys, then peeking in the dressing room, checking on the girls. My heart is soaring. Marv is pleased with me! I'm almost skipping around the club as I double check on things. When I see that everything is fine, I wait upstairs for the club to open. My own humming makes me smile and I enjoy the silence before the storm.

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