Happy Employees

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By 5 a.m. the crowd in the club is almost gone. The few stragglers left leave behind only a soft scent of alcohol and misplaced frustration, barely enough to bother me. Since Marv and I had our moment together, I've been walking around like i'm on cloud nine. All the dancers immediately noticed my change in demeanor and knew I had finally gotten my release. I heard a few of them ask around if they knew who I had sex with, but, obviously, no one did, so they never got their answer. It was fun listening to them speculate about how good I would be in bed. A few of them joked that with my strength and agility, I'd be amazing, and not for the faint of heart.

When the few stragglers left, Marv had Ben, now the new head bouncer, close the place up for the night, or morning, actually. After that's done, Marv gathers all the girls around the bar to talk to them. I stand nearby, watching and waiting until I'm needed.

"Listen up ladies," Marv says, loud enough to make me stand at attention unnecessarily. "I don't know how George payed you before, but this is how it works with me: You get fifty percent of whatever you make. If you make a hundred bucks, you get fifty, simple as that. Now hand over fifty percent of what you earned, and you can be on your way." She holds out her hand, waiting for the girls to hand over their money.

"This is awesome!" Shar squeals after a moment. "George only gave us, what, fifteen, twenty percent?"

All the girls nod and agree with Shar, mumbling about what a jerk George was. They all hand Marv fifty percent of what they earned for the night and thank her. Some gave her hugs, others just smile politely. When they all start to drift off, wanting to leave, Marv stops them.

"I think I want to learn all of your names," she says. "It'd be best if I knew what to call all of you, wouldn't it? I only know Cherry, Cat, and Shar."

"That means one of them has to have fucked your pet, right?" a girl near the back asks excitedly. When she says this, all of the girls start talking to each other, wondering who it was. I cross my arms over my chest lazily and try not to smile. Marv whistles to get their attention, then clears her throat.

"How do you guys even know she has been fucked?" she asks, genuinely curious.

"We saw her face, she has definitely been given a little release," the girl says with a giggle. "We just want to know who it was so they can share all the juicy details."

Everyone agrees and looks to Marv.

"None of you got to be the first to have her, okay?" Marv says, to a chorus disappointed exclamations. "It was someone who doesn't work here with you. Why are you all so curious about her sex antics?" She sits on a stool near at bar, watching everyone.

"Duh, she's like fucking superman, she must be good in bed. We all wanted to be the first to have her. I mean, come on. Aren't you a little curious to have this glow-eyed, super strong, beauty in your bed?" Shar asks. I notice that not everyone wants to have me, but Shar's stories have gotten into a few girls heads. They're curious about me. Some are a bit wary still, they haven't been around me for long, but they donte hate me. It's a good sign.

"I only got a taste of her and I came," Shar laughs, and the other girls look at her with amusement in their eyes.

"What? You never told us you got experience her," one of the other girls says.

"Yeah! What was it like?" another ine asks.

"Oh god, it was incredible," Shar tells everyone. "She lifted me up and slammed me against a wall! It was so fucking hot." All the girls start asking Shar various questions, demanding answers. Shar says I was a hero and definetely deserved more.

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