"Of course love, have fun." I said. "I lo-" I began, being cut off before I could even finish. I sighed and just put my phone down.

I stared at the roof for a few minutes before I got up to go change. I brought my bag in here before my promo, so I could just change in here. I decided to just wear what I was wearing when I came, so I set it out and slid my clothes off, putting on my other set of clothing when I heard my phone buzz.

I opened it to a text from an unknown number. It was pictures of me, obviously paparazzi photos of me in a bikini. I scoffed in disgust.

To: unknown
How is this?
From, Asher.

My phone buzzed again, it was a picture of me, in my house in Pensacola. Shock washed over me, as well as fear. I deleted the messages and turned my phone off, not knowing how to react.

The door flung open and I jumped, screaming as Dean walked in. "Woahhh, calm down Ash it's just me!" He chuckled. I grabbed my chest and chuckled uneasily. I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing Dean was with me and I sat back on the couch, trying to forget about the texts.

Moments passed before Seth was back and we were heading to his trailer to drive to the next town.

We walked silently to his trailer, the cold air was a little too cold for comfort, but I knew I'd be in warmth soon. As I entered his trailer I took the whole view in. It wasn't too big, but it was very nice. I smiled as him as I sat down at the table.

"Mi casa es su casa." He said, sitting down across from me. I smiled at him kindly.

"How was your match?" I asked. "Dean kept me distracted so I couldn't watch it."

"It was good. I beat Randy." He smiled. I could feel nerve radiating off of him. It was an odd thing to feel from him, he's usually very easygoing and confident.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I pulled it out, seeing it was Roman. "I'm sorry, I have to take this." I muttered. Exiting into the room with the bed.

"Hi babygirl." He said, before I could even answer. I smiled at my phone.

"Hi babes! How was the fire?" I asked, actually curious.

"It was nice. I've been missing my cousins." He stated. "How was raw?"

"It was good. I started a new storyline with Dean and You." I beamed. I truly was excited for this one.

"Oh? What's the storyline?" He asked.

"Basically, you and I are openly dating now, but Dean is trying to win me over." I said. He chuckled.

"It'll be interesting to see how that plays out." He said, and before I knew it, we had been talking for over an hour about day to day life.

"Hey love? I think I'm gonna hang up now. I feel bad that I've left Seth hanging for this long." I said, concerned about my friend.

"Of course babe! Go have fun." He said. I smiled to myself. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

I exited the room to see Seth already asleep in his seat. I woke him up.

"Hey, why don't you go get into bed?" I asked. He nodded and got up from his seat.

"I'm sorry, there's only one bed. But I don't mind sharing. You shouldn't have to sleep on the floor and it's a pretty big bed." He said. I smiled and nodded, climbing in on the other side of the bed, keeping a safe distance between us.

"Goodnight." I said, being interrupted by an already asleep Seth. I smiled and let myself drift off into the same sleep.

————the next day————
Asher's POV
Seth and I woke up in the next city. I rolled over to check my phone, seeing I had a new text from unknown. My heart dropped a little.

From: unknown
See you soon!

It's probably not serious. It's gotta be someone messing with me. I simply blocked the unknown number and moved onto checking the time. It was already 10:00. "Wake up loser." I said, tossing my pillow into Seth's face.

"Hey, hey. No need to get aggressive." He chuckled, still half asleep.

"You know you snore?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was lying. "Like a truck." I continued. He chuckled.

"More to love." He stated. I giggled and started to pull myself out of bed. I yawned and stretched as I sat on the foot of the bed. I felt his eyes bearing a hole in my back. I figured we didn't really have any plans today, so I got up and walked into the kitchen area with the table, phone in hand.

I mostly just sat on my phone and clicked through random things until we left for smack down.

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