"Yes," Cassie said and showed him the piece of paper that he had signed earlier that week. "Something else?"

Sirius looked at Cassie, then at Kol, at Daphne. "Where are Draco and Narcissa?"

Daphne pointed at the two blondes standing near three suitcases and let Sirius walk to them. The three Slytherins smiled at each other as Cassiopea handed the other two some paper. There was one for Draco as well, but she couldn't give it to him while Narcissa and Sirius were there.

If she did, she had to tell her dad about the four hours of searching in the Rosier Manor's library, the five hours in the Malfoy Manor's library and three in that in Grimmauld Place. If she did, she had to tell him that she stayed up to at least 5 am, making a magic similar to the one the Marauders Map was made with. The idea of the the paper was to show if they need help or someone to talk to.

"Do they work?" Kol asked.

"How can you possibly doubt me?" Cassie asked, turning to him. She kissed Kol, deeply, lovingly and went to her father.

For the past few weeks she and Narcissa had become friends once more. Now she wasn't Mrs Malfoy to Cassie and Dora. She was auntie Cissa. She was that good and caring aunt that didn't scream. She called over the mirror every day to check on them, she gave parenting advices to Sirius and had tea with Andromeda almost every day in Andy's shop.

And the best part. No one had realized that the Black family is close again. If they did, Grimmauld place would no longer be the Order's headquarters and both Cassie and Sirius would be called traitors.

It wasn't new for her, but it would be terrible for a Gryffindor, for her dad, who spent 12 years of his life being called traitor, murder and other things Cassiopea didn't want to think about.

She shook her head before the whisper started again and got on the train with her friends.

Kol was looking at her for over an hour before she finally turned to him. Their eyes locked together, but didn't share a word.

Cassie rested her head on his shoulder, bitting her lower lip. Kol had no idea where his cousin and Draco were. But for now, sitting there with his girlfriend was enough for him.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Cassie finally said, breaking the silence. She looked at Kol. "And there is something my father doesn't tell me about."

"Of course there is," he smiled. "Do we need to talk about this? I know that you want what's best for this world, but we are starting our 5th year, I am here... It's all perfect."

"Your father is back. This is not perfect..."

"What do you suggest? We didn't do anything to stop it last year and I am sure that Dumbledore knows."

Cassie's eyebrows rose. She didn't try to tell him he was wrong. Both of them remembered very well what happened in their third year. Both of them remembered what Remus had told them.

He knew everything all along that Sirius was innocent and still Dumbledore left him to rot in Azkaban for 12 years. Kol saw how Cassie's anger filled her eyes.

He almost heard her thoughts. If the goods lets innocent people suffer, are they really good?

Was Voldemort really that bad? Kol thought for a minute. The obvious answer was yes. Of course he was. He killed hundreds of people. But he didn't knew anything else of his father. What if there was a reason? What if he loved someone the way Kol loved Cassie and he lost them? What if Voldemort really loved Lydia Greengrass?

"Then we have to figure it out?"

Kol kissed her forehead. "I love you. Never forget that. But. If I find anything... I will tell you. You know that."

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