I continued staring at her, hoping she'd take a hint that I wasn't in the mood to make small talk with her, but instead, she took a few steps closer and continued.

"I couldn't help but notice how comfy you and Nate looked together a few minutes ago."

"I'm glad your eyes work."

Bianca laughed bitterly and took another step forward. "You know it won't last long; soon, he'll get bored of fucking the same person and move on to someone new like he always does, so don't think you're anyone special."

I lost count of how many times I've heard this same speech from the females Nathaniel has had fun with, and at this point, it didn't phase me anymore.

"You must be under the impression that I actually give a fuck about the words coming out of your mouth," I mumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation. I could already feel my head starting to hurt just from being in her presence.

She shifted uncomfortably in her heels and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Do you not feel even an ounce of embarrassment that you're still going after a man that probably doesn't even know you exist anymore?"

Bianca's face instantly turned red, and she opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it.

"You came in here thinking that you were going to intimidate me, so you can what? Get him for yourself, just for him to fuck you and leave....again? Is that what you want, Bianca? Because if it is, you're as pathetic and desperate as you look. If you want dick so badly, maybe you should take up prostitution; I'm sure you'll fit in well there."

She was so stunned by my words she didn't bother saying anything else as I brushed past her and left.

I was in no mood to be around anyone else after the fiasco that just took place, all I wanted to do was go home and drown myself in a bottle of wine while watching a good TV show, but I knew if I disappeared without telling anyone it would raise many alarms.

Nathaniel was the first to notice my arrival, seeing that his eyes were glued to the entrance I left from, and when our eyes locked for a brief second, all my worries vanished. I completely forgot about all our troubles and what had just happened in the bathroom, but no more than a second later, it all came crashing down.

I hadn't noticed Bianca's presence until I felt her small hand grip a handful of my hair and yank my head backwards. "Did you really think you were gonna have the last word bitch?" She growled.

The memory of Brandon gripping my hair and slamming me against the wall flashed through my mind, clouding all judgment, and in a split second, I pried her slippery fingers out of my hair, whirled around, and smashed my fist into her face imagining Brandon's face in place of hers, but before I could get another hit in, Nathaniel was in front of me in an instant blocking my view with his large body.

I couldn't decipher whether he was protecting her or me, but I was too blinded by rage to care.

"Get out of my fucking way," I snarled, attempting to push him aside so I could continue what she started, but his solid figure didn't budge.

"Nate, baby, look what she did to my face!" Bianca wailed loudly, trying to play the victim.

"Take her," Nathaniel growled to one of the security guards, referring to his ex-whore.

I didn't even have time to see where the rest of the group went before Nathaniel placed his hand on my lower back and guided me out of an exit leading into the parking lot, right to his car.

The first few minutes of the ride was filled with complete and utter silence. I heard Nathaniel call my name, but I didn't answer; I was too deep in thought, still trying to wrap my head around what just went down. My hands were trembling, and I could feel my heart rate rising by the minute.

"That shouldn't have happened," Nathaniel whispered harshly, running his fingers through his hair while the other hand remained on the steering wheel, gripping it tightly.

"But it did," I snapped back, balling my hands in a fist to minimize the shaking.


"Take me home."

I needed to be alone, away from him. After the event that took place tonight, I realized that I had gotten too caught up in the fairy tale life I'd been living in for the past couple of weeks, completely forgetting how surreal reality really was, especially Nathaniel's reality.

"Don't make me do that."

"I need space Nathaniel, away from everyone--"

"Away from me," he clarified through gritted teeth.

I didn't confirm nor deny it because he knew the truth either way.

"It's time I go back to my place anyway; I don't need help anymore; I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself now," I whispered.

"How long do you need?"

I shrugged, not wanting to give him my real answer. "I don't know."

"Come home with me today and think it over—"

"I don't need time to think it over Nathaniel, I've already made my decision."

He gritted his teeth and nodded slowly, giving up on trying to convince me to stay.

As much as I wanted to blame Nathaniel for what happened, I couldn't because it was all my fault. I got in too deep without even knowing his true feelings and intent, so this was the consequence I had to face.

"Are you sure?" Nathaniel asked wearily once we were parked outside my penthouse.

The tie around his neck was gone leaving his tight shirt unbuttoned, revealing a sliver of his tatted chest. His hair that was usually neat and slicked down was now ruffled and wild, falling into his beautiful ocean eyes.

It took everything in me not to lean forward and smash my lips against his while running my fingers through his coils and enjoying the feeling of his stubbled face scratching against mine.

But I didn't.

Instead, I nodded firmly and rushed out of the car before he said anything that would make me change my mind. The fun was all over now, and despite everything he'd done for me in the past few weeks, it was my turn to take care of myself, and I knew exactly what I needed to do.


"Thank you for meeting with me, Carter," I whispered, flashing him a small smile.

I called him over to my place after I made Nathaniel drop me off because I needed a second opinion, and Carter was the only one I trusted to tell me the truth.

"Of course, is everything okay?" He immediately asked, concern flickering across his face.

I nodded, knowing he wasn't only referring to the minor incident that happened tonight but about the entire Brandon situation.

"Everything's fine. Nathaniel has been so amazing helping me every day, and I honestly don't know if I would've been able to get through this without him."

"That's great, Stazi," Carter beamed brightly at my words but little did he know that it was all going to come crashing down.

"But I'm afraid I got in too deep," I whispered lowly, fiddling with my fingers trying my best not to cry. "I'm falling for him, Carter, and it's scaring the shit out of me."

Carter leaned forward and crossed his fingers together.

"What are you trying to say?" He whispered, knowing me well enough to read through my words.

I cleared my throat and forced myself to look up at him as I said, "I think it's time I moved away from here."


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