Nathaniel stayed silent for the rest of the ride while I got lost in my thoughts once again. I hadn't noticed when we made it to our destination until his face was inches away from mine, startling me slightly.

"I'm sorry if I overreact," he murmured once we made eye contact.

My heart skipped a beat hearing his apology, and I couldn't help but feel all my irritation disappear.

"It's okay," I whispered as my eyes flickered down to his lips wanting him to devour me.

Nathaniel read my mind and cupped the back of my neck, pulling me towards him until our lips collided.

No matter how many times we kissed, every time felt like the first. Fireworks erupted in my stomach as our mouths moved in sync, savoring each second that ticked by.

Nathaniel wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me over the divider between us and into his lap without our lips ever separating. My core began to throb with excitement as he pressed me against the steering wheel and peppered small kisses against my neck before marking my skin.

The large bulge in his pants pushed against my soaked panties, and I couldn't stop myself from grinding my hips into him, eliciting a low groan from the back of his throat.

I reached down to unbuckled his slacks to release the leaking monster threatening to escape, but he quickly gripped my wrist and stopped me.

"Another time," Nathaniel whispered, confirming my suspicions.

For the last couple of days, he's been coming up with bullshit excuses every time I made a move on him, and I couldn't help but wonder if the spark between us was finally fading.

A part of me always knew that this thing between us was temporary, just like every other female that came into his life, but I foolishly thought it'd be different with us—with me.

I've tried to push that thought aside, considering how he's been glued to my side, taking care of me in more ways than I imagined for the past couple of weeks but these small rejections he's been throwing my way in between brought many seeds of doubt.

I didn't try to fight him this time as I nodded my head, watching him open the door and slide out from beneath me.

"I'll just stay in the car," I muttered, smoothing out my dress in frustration.

Nathaniel fiddled with the gold watch on his wrist before stuffing his hands in the pocket of his tight slacks that did a poor job of hiding the giant bulge straining against it.

"I have all day."

"Nathaniel, just go," I snapped, letting my emotions get the best of me.

He immediately knelt down so that he was level with me and lifted my chin up with his index finger as concern flickered across his face.

"Tell me," he murmured.

I swallowed hard and looked away. I would've sounded crazy if I sat there and told him how I think the spark that we had a couple of weeks ago was fading just because of his lack of deep intimacy, and now that I really think about it, I did sound delusional.

He was probably still too afraid to hurt me, but here I am, thinking that he's ready to toss me aside and move on to the next female on his long list.

"Tell you what?" I decided to feign ignorance after coming to the realization that my theory was just a result of gross overthinking.

"Why you're angry with me."

My stomach flipped as I stared down at him, wondering how this was the same Nathaniel that made my life a living hell a few months ago.

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