The First and Official Meeting

Start from the beginning


"Night," I snapped before slamming my door and harshly placed my metal suitcase on the freshly made bed. I clicked the two latches on the sides and swung open the top causing the case to unfold revealing my travel sized charging port. 8% flashed red in the corner of my cybernetic eyes and I moved my ponytail away from my neck and opened the small port in the back of my neck. I grabbed the charging cable and hooked it into the port making me sigh in relief at the overwhelming feeling of relaxation I felt.

After an hour I was at sufficient charge to unhook myself and close my neck up since it was barely 8 o' clock and way too early to go to bed. I hummed to myself in thought and suddenly got an idea, walking over to the window and slid open the curtains to open the window. I grabbed a hoodie that I had packed and slid it over my head, leaving the hood on my head to hide my face from clear view and hopped out the hotel window.

I flew up the side up the building until I reached the roof which was considerably less fancy than the rest of it. I settled on the edge of the roof, letting my legs swing slightly over the busy streets 460 feet below. I took in a deep breath of the cool air, the sun just barely peaking out from the buildings and the dark night starting to take over the sky. I sat there for a moment, taking in the peaceful scenery.

"'am, are you going to jump or are you just a thrill seeker?" I heard a familiar voice ask from behind me making me whip around to see a teenage boy around my age looking at me cautiously.

"Hmm... I am still wondering that myself," I joked, looking at the ground below me knowing even if I did jump I would not have a scratch on me.

"Well uh... I would recommend not doing that, but that's just me," he replied back casually with his thumbs stuffed awkwardly in his sweats pockets. I just registered that he was wearing sweats with a baggy shirt with the NASA logo on the front, clearly in his pajamas. Actually, when I looked at him I registered he was also not that bad looking, unlike most teenage boys, with fluffy brown hair and a seemingly awkward person. He was almost cute even. Almost.

"Do I know you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, though that was impossible because I knew almost no one outside of superheroes and government workers yet his voice was strikingly familiar.

"N-no, I don't think so?" He answered like it was a question but I still narrowed my eyes at him and looked around until realization struck me. How did he even get up here? The only way up here is staircase that was employees only that needed a key to open, I assumed. And then: lightbulb.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," I laughed humorlessly at the fact father had the guts to leave me in the same building as the boy I fought less than seven hours ago. Spidey looked at me weirdly but I did not care as I stood up and crossed my arms at him.

"What?" He laughed nervously under my stare and I hopped off the edge toward him.

"You are that Spider Guy, are you not?" I asked knowingly with a raised eyebrow causing him to gape at me, sweating profusely.

"Whaaaat? I- you- w-where did you get that from? Spider-Man? Me? That is..." He trailed off pathetically as I tilted my head at him with slight amusement. I shook my head with amusement and took off my hood revealing my blue hair and unnaturally bright blue eyes making his widen. He stared at me for a moment, his face turning red. "Wait you're-"

"The one and only, Webhead," I ta-daed, gesturing to myself before shaking my head. "I cannot believe father had the balls to place both of us at the same hotel," I grumbled making his eyes widen even more.


"Long story," I waved him off casually before pausing. "Sorry about blasting you out a window but to be fair, you kind of had it coming," I apologized the best I could.

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