He don't feel he have the energy to hold his phone in front of his face without 200% guarantee that he'll hurt his nose because of it so he presses on what he believes is his emergency contact jin hyung before feeling the phone slip from his fingers falling on the ground with unpleasingly loud thud.

He tosses his head around before giving in to his urge to scratch , a little scratch  won't do any damage, right ?

His fingers traces the mark on his navel making him flinch feeling another wave of fever surging to his body as his other hand trembling over the mark of fangs on his neck covered by his shirt as he whimpers feeling his body getting colder

He feels tired, too tired so he closes his eyes , he'll wake up later, he can rest, nothing much

He's greeted by a blurry view of broad shoulder that almost caused him heart attack but soon recognised it's owner making him sigh and shakily get up

His body still feels weak and weird but better than when he fell asleep

" kookie, what happened ? You called me and didn't say anything so I came here as soon as possible to check on you and found you sleeping like a bunny wrapped like burrito "

Jungkook sheepishly smile, apologizing for worrying him while jin patted his head and asked him to come down to eat.

Jungkook stands and stretch his body , his hands underneath his shirt scratching himself while yawning while walking toward bathroom with wobbly legs

He don't think he can eat anything, he feels like throwing up and feels like he just got sucked out of energy.

With a tired sigh, he pushes the Bangs away from his eyes undressing

Well maybe a bath would help

He glanced at mirror while passing to shower before he halts on his steps with confused furrowed brow, he walks back now standing in front of the mirror that's showing his bare skin from head to hip.

He walks closer with wide eyes tilting his head sideways as his both hand clutch the sink until his palm started hurting with the pressure

The Mark on his neck have disappeared, there's nothing, no evidence of it

He stares at his image like an outsider Unknown while he breaths harshly, his eyes moist red with anger

He hesitates but eventually looks down on his navel, his legs barely holding him up while he tries not to throw up

His red blazing eyes hardened seeing the mark on his navel, the black mark of 'v' surrounded by burning planets is gone leaving behind a faint scar .

He looks at himself in reflection realizing he's crying, why is he crying, why does he feel so heavy and weird, he's uncomfortable, itching about something, he's weak right now, his heart feels heavy in his chest

his hands graze over his neck where the supposedly mating mark should have been, his tears fall down on his stomach from his chin .

The marks are gone

This can only mean one thing and he wish it isn't true
Please, anything but this

" Taehyung is gone " his voice heavy with his uneven breathing

He screams punching the mirror

Two weeks later ~

After hearing the scream ,jin found Jungkook sobbing uncontrollably curled up on the cold bathroom floor with broken glass and blood covered hand, he immediately called others and forced him out who resisted and tried to fight while screaming before he passed out in his arms

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