Chapter 26: Marks And Fighting

Start from the beginning

"Good evening, grandmother. How are you?"

Cassie didn't wait for the portrait to answer. She went to her dad's study at the end of the corridor on the third floor and came in.

"Have you heard about knocking?" Sirius asked.

"Why? What could you possibly do? Fucking Mrs Weasley?" Sirius looked at his daughter, shocked. "Forget it," Cassie closed the door behind her. "Emma sends you her undying love..."

"You should call her mom."

"And you should lock the door if you don't want me to come in," Cassie said with a wicked smile on her face. "What is this prophecy?"

"I actually don't know. I'll ask Remus or Andromeda. We'll find out soon enough, Cass."

Cassie nodded. Her dad was talking about getting information for weeks now. So much that Cassie had to remind him that his godson is here.

She was so mad at all of the Order members (including her dad) when Harry Potter came in Grimmauld place the night on her birthday, saying that he was attacked by dementors, screaming at Ron and Hermione and making Cassie want to kill him even more. That same night she couldn't wait for everyone to go to sleep. She grabbed the mirror as soon as she walked into her room, locked the door and said 'Narcissa Malfoy'. Then Draco's room appeared immediately.

She talked to him and then (thanks to Narcissa, which Cassie started to like more this summer) she talked to Kol and Daphne.

And now Cassie was sitting on the armchair in front of her dad's desk, thinking about that night. That's when everything started, right? That's when her dad saw her practice her magic, that's when he saw the letter. And that's when he found how to make this fucking tattoo on her hand.

"Can I go now? I can't wait to get this thing off my skin!"

"I wanted to talk to you about your mom, actually."

Cassie sat back on the armchair. "Yes?"

"I thought that it'll be a good thing for you to know that it's... Not possible to have both of your parents alive after the war."

"I know?"

Sirius stood up and went to Cassie. "That's not what I meant. Cass... There is a possibility that I might die in this war..."

The words hit her hard. She felt how tears were filling her eyes. She hadn't cried in a month, she wanted to be strong just like a Gryffindor, but she wanted to stay in Slytherin. So she promised herself that she wouldn't cry anymore.

And she wasn't going to cry now.

"Sweetheart?" Sirius asked. "Cassie, I am alive now... And..."

"You're not going to die!" Cassie hissed. "I won't allow it!"

"Darling, I won't have a choice when..."

"I just got you back!"

Both of them froze at this words. Cassie's eyes immediately found the cracks that she created in the wall. She shook her head and turned to her dad.

Look at him. Look at him. Look at him...

If she looked at him, she wouldn't look at the cracks. If she wasn't looking at the cracks, they wouldn't be real, they wouldn't grow bigger and they would probably go away.

"I don't decide this things," her dad said. "But I want you to be prepared if something happens."

"I would like her to die instead of you," she said truly.

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