"It is a mix of books that Killian and I read. Hope has books in here too. We can buy you books to read."

"I do not know much about reading. Or much about books. What books are popular?"

"We can look at books together at Barnes and Noble and see what you like. Books you choose what you are interested in."

"I am not good at reading, Emma. My classmates in school make fun of me when I read out loud in school."

Emma felt sorry for Henry, she remembers when she was bullied in school as a foster child herself. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I can help you read, Henry. By reading to you and help you with hard words. Killian and I can help you to read. I know when you improve, you can read on your own."Hope babbles.

"I want to read books to Hope."

"Yes, she will love you reading to her. Killian and I read to her all the time." Hope tugs her Mommy's hair.

Henry looks up at Emma. "Can we read a book now?"

Emma smiles. "Yes, we can." Hope babbles.

"Hope you can join us, little sis." Hope screams.

"You can choose the book, Henry."

Henry looks at the books, he sees Disney books. He finds a mix of Disney movies, after their movies."Disney books! Awesome!" He picks up the book. "Can we read this one please?"

"Yes, we can." They sat down on the comfy chairs, Henry sitting next to her as Hope sitting on her lap. Hope pats the book. "That is a book, Hope. Henry chose the book we are going to read today." Emma opens the book, Peter Pan. "Once upon a time, there was a boy named Peter Pan..."

Killian was in the kitchen cooking his family breakfast. He can hear Emma reading to their children in the library. When Hope began crying in the middle of the story, "Hope, we are going to eat soon baby girl."

"Emma, the story."

Killian enters the room. "I hear a little love, hungry." He takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, we are going to have pancakes while Mommy reads to Henry."

"We will meet you both in the kitchen in a few minutes after we finish Peter Pan." Emma continues to read to Henry. "Can you tell me what that word is?"

"Peter Pan...is...a...l-l-lo-st boy."

"That is great reading, Henry. Continue."

Killian smiles at his wife teaching Henry to read. He takes Hope into the kitchen and puts her in her high chair. "Time for your breakfast." He puts cut up plain pancakes, cut up bananas and scrambled eggs on her high chair table. He takes pictures of Hope trying pancakes and bananas for the first time.

Back in the library, Emma finishes the book. "Can we read more?"

"I thought a little boy wanted breakfast?"

"Yes!" Henry runs to the kitchen. He sees pancakes, berries, bananas, bacon, syrup, and eggs on the table.

"Lad, join Hope and me. We have plenty to share." Hope babbles.

Henry sits at the table. "I want everything."

Emma joins them at the table. "You can have a little of everything,kid." Hope babbles. "Are you enjoying your pancakes?" Hope babbles. "Yes, Daddy makes good pancakes." Henry gets everything and puts it on his plate. Emma gets herself and Henry cinnamon hot cocoa each. "Thank you, Emma."

"You are welcome, kid. If you are hungry after you finish your plate. You can have more. Killian made plenty." The family ate their breakfast. Henry was enjoying his meal. Hope fusses after she eats. Emma gets Hope from her high chair. "Ooh, you need a clean diaper. Boys, we will be back." Emma takes Hope up to her room and changes her diaper. "Do you like Henry?" Hope babbles. "Yes, I like him too. He fits in with our family." She sits with Hope in the rocking chair and nurses Hope. After Hope was full and burped, she fell asleep on her Mommy. Emma was enjoying Hope's snuggles. "I love you so much, Hope You are my baby duckling. My baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.

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