62: Suiting Up

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Along with their complete set of Hymeneal clothing, their families were also able to find theirs in the same boutique, including a light blue gown for Jeonghan's younger sister.

Two hours after Jeonghan and Joshua shopped for their outfits, it was Minghao and his parents who arrived at the mall. Similarly, the stores competed for their attention until Minghao saw something of his liking. As if being pulled by something, Minghao entered a store with his parents.

"Good morning. Welcome to Night and Rain, Prince Junhui's soulmate and family. How may I serve you today?"

Minghao blushed on how the store owner addressed him, "Uhm, may I take a look at that?"

The male store owner followed what Minghao was pointing and realized, "Oh, for your Hymeneal outfit? Sure, sure. I can also select other articles that will harmoniously blend with the one you want."

The store owner led Minghao to a dressing room and made him sit.

"Any particular colors you want to work with? Any articles or accessories you want to try?" the owner was asking for Minghao's preferences.


With the help of Minghao's preference, the owner was able to come up with combinations that will perfectly match the one that Minghao pointed from earlier.

"Minghao, why don't you try that with this?" his mother suggested.

"Is there a darker color for this?" his father asked the owner.

Minghao tried to mix and match everything until he found the perfect combination. With the approval of his parents, he purchased the outfit. His parents were also able to find their attires on the same store and they left the mall just before lunch.

An hour after noon, Jihoon and his parents were in the mall to look for their Hymeneal garbs. Recognizing Jihoon, the storeowners once again battled to persuade Jihoon to enter their shop. One particular store caught the attention of Jihoon though so he decided to go there.

"Oh, my goodness. It's Prince Soonyoung's soulmate. How may I help you?" the female storeowner said.

"Do you have anything that I could possibly wear for a special event?" Jihoon shyly asked.

"You mean for the Hymeneal? Certainly, please follow me," the female owner led Jihoon to a large dressing room. "Please wait while I pull out some outfits."

Five minutes later, the female storeowner wheeled in a plethora of articles of clothing. Jihoon himself was surprised with what the storeowner brought in.

"Do you have anything in mind for your outfit?" the storeowner inquired.

"Actually..." Jihoon replied.

With Jihoon's idea in mind, the storeowner did her best to give Jihoon a cohesive outfit, trying out different colors and combinations. While Jihoon was looking his outfit, his parents were also on the adjacent rooms, searching for theirs. But it seems Jihoon was having trouble since his parents were able to find their clothes before he did.

"What's wrong, son? What's taking you so long?" his father asked.

"I don't know what's best for me. You know I'm not really into fashion," Jihoon whined.

"Ok, how about this?" his mother helped him.

With the help from his mother, Jihoon actually liked his current look, "I look... good somehow,"

"Do you want that for your Hymeneal?" his father asked.

"This will do. I hope Soonie will like it," Jihoon sighed.

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