55: Dreams into Action

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"You two just wait for me. I'll be right back," Seungcheol ruffled his two soulmates' hair.

After a series of promises, the Princes reluctantly left along with the Dreamies. The next place they saw was the entrance to the Fear Forest and a horde of vampires marching towards the palace. Soonyoung blew a huge gust to catch the invaders' attention.

"Look who we have here. The Princes of Carat Kingdom has graced us with their presence," the vampire leading the mob snickered.

"Who are you?" Seungcheol demanded.

"I am Yongsun, crown prince of the Moissanites," the figure stated. "And along my brothers, we are here to dethrone your family once and for all."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Vernon mocked.

"We'll see. As far as I know, the King, the Royal Defense Force and the Mystics are all in Zirconia Village holding off our diversion."

"Diversion?" Seokmin reiterated.

"Yes. Because of the diversion, your palace is now left defenseless against our main forces," Yongsun cackled. "Without the Royal Defense Force, the King or even the Mystics, the taking over the palace will be like snatching a lollipop from a baby."

"I will have my revenge, Crown Prince," Sangkyu, the Moissanite prince who Seungcheol fought before, smirked.

"Sorry, but I don't have plans on taking you on," Seungcheol replied. "I personally prefer Yongsun better."

Irritated and humiliated by the statement Seungcheol just let out, Sangkyu ordered, "Moissanites, attack!"

The Moissanite Princes scattered after declaring the order.

"Dreamies, we'll leave the underlings to you. We will be facing the leaders themselves," Seungcheol commanded.

"You can count on us," Mark obliged.

Using Hyper Speed, Seungcheol and his brothers hunted for the Moissanite princes. Left with the immense responsibility to hold off the vampire horde, Mark calmly led his team.

"Yo Dream!" Mark excitedly exclaimed.

"Let's do it. Fighting!" the other Dreamies responded; exclaiming in the same way as Mark did.

The invaders rushed toward the Dreamies. Most of them are relying on just their Super Strength and Hyper Speed. The others, Archetypes with offensive powers, were throwing weak projectiles from different directions. The Dreamies did not mind though.

"This is so much fun," Jeno commented with his puppy-eye smile, eyes were glowing in Dream Blue.

"Concentrate, Nono. We are in the middle of a battle," Renjun reprimanded; his eyes glowing in the same color as Jeno's.

"Relax, Injunnie. From the looks of things, only a few of them are Archetypes with offensive powers just like us," Jaemin dismissed Renjun's worries while his eyes glowed similar to his two soulmates. "By the way, Injunnie, have I told you that you are as beautiful as your plants?"

"You're too cool yourself, Nana," Jeno winked at Jaemin.

"Ugh... Flirty soulmates," Renjun groaned.

"Mark? Do you need more power boost?" Donghyuck asked out of concern; his eyes, which was currently glowing in Fire Truck Red, looked at his soulmate.

"I'm okay, Hyuckie. Just mind yourself. Your stamina is your greatest weakness," Mark returned the favor, locking his glowing eyes at his soulmate's gaze.

"Sungie, are you still alright?" Chenle asked his soulmate. His eyes were not glowing as he was not using his power.

"Everything is good. Thanks for asking, Lele," Jisung replied while looking at Chenle with his eyes, which currently glowing in Candlelight Peach.

 Thanks for asking, Lele," Jisung replied while looking at Chenle with his eyes, which currently glowing in Candlelight Peach

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"Should we use our X-Con technique, now?" Donghyuck asked while giggling.

"That's a different story, Hyuckie. Stick to current plot, please," Mark sighed in amusement.

While nervous for their first official Kingdom defense, the Dreamies were doing impressively on holding off the vampire invaders. Mark was shooting rocks here and there. Renjun plants and flowers were unexpectedly lethal to the underlings. Jeno was proficiently wielding water as a whip-like weapon. Jaemin was freezing anyone who dared go near him. Jisung was highly vigilant in shielding his team, himself included, against any offensive power the underlings might have. Donghyuck was augmenting everyone inside a fixed radius; he was still learning how to selectively augment people in a large area. Chenle was on standby in case a swift retreat or an emergency occurred. With him as the group's official transportation guy, he is his group's fastest escape from danger should things go extremely awry. With the perfect combination of their powers, any Barbarian in their line of sight went straight into the afterlife. The Dreamies were a natural when it comes to vampiric combat.

Seungcheol was right. It seemed like the Dreamies were a worthy candidate for the Royal Defense Force successorship. 

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