When he reached the palace, he gathered his brothers straightaway. His brothers were confused on what made their maknae riled up.

"What's up, Hansol? You look upset," Wonwoo started.

"I have some news regarding our soulmates. And trust me, you'll know why I'm acting this way," Vernon prompted. "They are meeting someone behind our backs."

"Nonsense. They are our soulmates. They can only fall for us and no one else," Jun confidently pointed out.

"That's what you think," Vernon refuted. "Here, I have evidence."

He showed them the photos he snapped using his phone. There, it clearly depicted the soulmates' plans for tomorrow and the fact that they were meeting some "handsome guys".

"This is unacceptable. Hannie complimenting someone 'handsome' other than me? That is suspicious," Seungcheol frowned. "They even got Shua involved."

"Haohao as well even though he said that he doesn't know any of them personally," Jun's eyebrows met in the middle.

"Ji was the one who opened this topic? I don't like where this is going," Soonyoung noticed.

"Even Gyu is highly anticipating. That does not sound good," Wonwoo bit his lip.

"Chan also knows the complete details of the meeting. The nerve of this child," Seokmin gasped.

"And to think Kwannie told them to keep it a secret from all of us," Vernon's blood boiled even more.

"You know what we are going to do," Seungcheol told his brothers. "We're going to stalk them and punish them afterwards." The six of them nodded and chuckled evilly with a dark look in their eyes.

True enough, the Paragons turned into spies and were now observing the meeting from a considerable, slightly inconspicuous distance. The seven soulmates were happily interacting with seven other guys. The Paragons were not happy even the slightest.

"How dare him put his arms around Hannie and Shua" Seungcheol balled his fist.

"Gyu is even leaning on that guy's shoulder," Wonwoo growled.

"Ji seems like he's enjoying this. He sometimes falls asleep when it's only the two of us," Soonyoung blurted out.

"Thank goodness Haohao is just silently sitting on one side. I can't believe he is laughing at their jokes though," Jun mumbled.

"Kwannie is going to get it later," Vernon was raging.

"I think we can all agree that our naughty soulmates need a good spanking," Seokmin insinuated.

Meanwhile, the meeting was cut-off short because of an urgent phone call. Unfortunately, the seven males had to go, thus the Consorts regretfully bid goodbye and exited the mall some minutes later. They were casually walking along the sidewalk when all light was blocked off. A sack of some sort was put around their heads and each of them was carried off inside a vehicle. Scared to death and completely forgetting about their abilities, the soulmates froze in fear until they were transferred to a room and made the seven of them sit in a single sofa.

"Who are you? What do you want from us?" Jeonghan, as the eldest, spoke out.

"Let us go. The Paragons will track you down if you don't," Chan bravely claimed.

"Who will track us?" the disembodied voice asked, amusement clear in his voice.

But it came as a great shock when the sack-like material was removed from their heads. Standing in front of them were six obviously pissed-off Paragons.

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