"Why? What happened?" Minghao was curious.

"He accidentally lit up the whole capital city at midnight for four minutes before passing out," the King couldn't help but laugh as he remembered. It was so vivid like it was only yesterday.

"Woah... amazing..." Minghao was, obviously, amazed.

"So, going back to Minghao, you need to work on your power output control just like me before," Baekhyun told Minghao. "Don't worry. I already have a proper training program for this."

With Seungkwan's and Minghao's trainers fixed, Luhan, Jisung, Xiumin, Jihoon and Daniel stepped forward.

"And now for Chan, Woozi and Jeonghan's training," Luhan announced.

"Today, the three of you will be training together. We decided it would be best since Jeonghan's Augmentation needs to be tested also." Daniel continued.

"What are we going to do?" Jeonghan inquired.

"Chan will be holding off the earth attacks of Kyungsoo using his Telekinesis, Woozi will be holding off Namjoon and Chanyeol's fire attacks with his ice. Jeonghan's goal is to activate his Augmentation on his friends without boosting the powers of Kyungsoo, Namjoon or Chanyeol. To make things more challenging, Jeonghan must keep his Augmentation active while deflecting projectile attacks from Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook," Xiumin explained.

"Chan and Woozi's goal is to at least hold off the attacks without it hitting them for five minutes. Jeonghan's goal is to augment Chan's and Woozi's power for them not to be overpowered. Also, he needs to keep his Augmentation active while deflecting attacks otherwise Chan and Woozi will be overwhelmed." Jisung elaborated further.

"Woah, their training sounds hard," Joshua commented.

"It's for their own good," Seungcheol back-hugged Joshua.

Taking their positions on the field – Chan, Woozi and Jeonghan on the middle, Namjoon, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo on the left, and Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook on the right.

"Three... Two... One... start!" Xiumin blew the whistle.

Without any further ado, Kyungsoo hurled chucks of earth toward Chan. Similarly, Chanyeol and Namjoon unleashed their fire. On the other side, Yoongi shot Thermal Balls, Jimin released some Plasma Balls and Jungkook threw some Energy Balls. All of their eyes glowed in their respective colors.

Quick on their feet, Jeonghan concentrated and augmented Chan and Woozi. Chan, with the help of the power boost, was able to hold off the chunks of earth at a safe distance. Woozi's ice was holding off both streams of fire quite successfully due to the effects of Augmentation. Meanwhile, Jeonghan was keeping up with the projectiles. With the activation of their powers, Jeonghan's eyes were glowing in tranquil blue, Chan's were in warm yellow and Woozi's were in warm orange.

Halfway into the activity, Xiumin instructed the testers to increase their output. Following the instructions, Namjoon and Chanyeol increased their fire, Kyungsoo hurled bigger chunks and the trio from the other side increased the number of projectiles.

At this point, Woozi's ice was starting to bepushed back. A few of the earth chunks were also inching closer. Jeonghan washaving trouble concentrating between Deflection and Augmentation due to thesheer number of projectiles. Seeing that they have reached their limit, ERI's Kyungsoocreated a force field around Chan, Woozi and Jeonghan before the fire, earthand projectiles could harm them.

"I guess we failed, huh?" Jihoon, the Paragon's soulmate, stated.

"No. Hyungs did a very good job actually," Jihoon, the WANNABLE member, applauded.

"How can you say so?" Chan asked.

"You lasted for more than three minutes. Pretty amazing first try if I could say so myself," Jihoon, the defense force member, praised.

"I agree. That was longer than I originally predicted," Chanyeol confessed.

"Chan, you did a really good job with your Telekinesis. We can already proceed with wielding your Telekinesis offensively and defensively in combat," Luhan assessed.

"Woozi, your ice held up really well against the fire. I guess we can increase the level of difficulty for the next training session," Xiumin evaluated.

"As for Jeonghan-hyung, you did a really good job augmenting only a select few in a given area. Your deflection was excellent as well. However, simultaneous use of both powers needs a little bit more work so that is where we are going to focus next time," Daniel observed.

"Overall though, that was an impressive first try," Jisung lauded.

"Dino-ya, that was very good," Seokmin, who was proud of his soulmate, rubbed their noses together.

"My sweet chili was on fire and his ice was way too cool," Soonyoung hugged Jihoon, his soulmate, happily and kissed his cheek. The other Jihoon was in someone's embrace at the moment.

"Great job, Hannie!" Seungcheol stated, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"You were awesome, Han," Joshua clung on Jeonghan's left arm after giving Jeonghan a peck on his right temple. "Ugh... I wish I could start training as well."

"Patience, Shua. Patience..." Seungcheol trailed off.

While the rest were happily talking inside the palace while munching on some snacks served by the palace helpers, Jeonghan decided to ask for extra lessons from the WANNABLE squad. Somewhere in between, the Mystics arrived to fetch Minhyun. Seizing the opportunity, Daniel and Park Jihoon passed the extra lessons to the Mystics.

"Jeonghan-hyung, we are already tired. However, the Mystics just arrived. Why don't you ask them?" Park Jihoon cutely declined. "Minhyun-hyung, can you and the Mystics help Jeonghan-hyung with his Deflection for just a bit more?"

"I don't see why not," Minhyun responded. "Aron-hyung, JR-hyung, Baekho-hyung, Minki, let's help Jeonghan-hyung train for a bit."

"Really, the Mystics will be training Han?" Joshua whispered to Seungcheol.

"Don't let their peace-loving and non-violent ways fool you, Shua. The Mystics are really powerful; maybe not as much as the Royal Defense Force, but still really powerful." Seungcheol replied to Joshua.

"Jeonghan! I will be training with you for a bit," JR accepted the challenge.

And so began Jeonghan's extra Deflection lessons. One after the other, JR threw lightning, released ice, as well as water and wind. Throughout the whole training, a question kept repeating in Joshua's mind. Finally, when the training ended, he asked his question to JR.

"JR-hyung, are you an Elementalist like Cheol?" Joshua asked.

"Me? No, I'm not an Elementalist," JR denied.

"Then, how could you use many elements in Han's training?" Joshua continued, the rest were just listening at this point.

"Oh, I'm an Atmokinetic. I can manipulate the weather," JR revealed. "Atmokinetics can access limited forms of the elements. The glaring difference my Atmokinesis and Seungcheol's Elementalism is that Atmokinetics can't generate fire and earth as they are not naturally occurring in the atmosphere."

"Oh, I see. I did wonder why hyung did not attack me using fire and earth," Jeonghan said.

"Okay. That will be all the training for today," Seungcheol declared.

"Thank you, JR-hyung," Jeonghan was grateful.

"You're very welcome," JR answered.

With that, the sun finally sank below the horizon. Everyone returned to their respective homes. Today was indeed a very fruitful day.

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