45: Water Activities

Start from the beginning

While the parents were talking to each other, the thirteen decided to play ball sports.

"Beach volleyball!" Seungkwan stated as a volleyball enthusiast.

"You're on!" the rest accepted.

"Shua, you should be the referee," Seungcheol tapped his head.

"Why? I want to play too," Joshua whined with a pout.

"But your anemia..." Jeonghan trailed off.

"Seungcheol already bit me so I'm fine," Joshua insisted like a child.

"Nope. You are not overexerting yourself until you fully transform into a Paragon," Seungcheol firmly decided. "I was really worried for you when you joined the Random Play Dance in Hall U."

"Fine," Joshua sulked. "Both of you won't get any of my blood later,"

Thus, the group, minus Joshua, was evenly split into two teams of six. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Seokmin and Chan on one team and Jun, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan and Vernon on the other.

"That was in!" Jeonghan claimed.

"Out!" Seungkwan claimed back.

"Let's ask the referee," Jeonghan said. "Joshie, was my attack in or out?"

"It was clearly out," Joshua grinned.

"Deuce!" Seungkwan cackled.

"Joshie, you were supposed to be on our side," Jeonghan pouted.

"Nope. I'm the referee. I am nobody's side," Joshua laughed as evil as he could.

With the score tied, the game resumed. The rally was long and hotly-contested. However, a misreceive by Seungkwan caused the ball to land on the water.

"I'll get it," Seungkwan volunteered even though he didn't want to get wet.

But instead of the ball, a loud shriek from Seungkwan was what they got. They, most especially Vernon, rushed toward him.

"Something wrong, Kwannie?" Vernon asked while looking at the distressed Seungkwan just inches away from the edge of the water.

"Take a look at this," Seungkwan stepped into the ocean. However, the most peculiar thing happened. The water was moving away from Seungkwan.

"Now there is something you don't see every day," Chan commented.

"What is happening, Vernonie?" Seungkwan looked at Vernon with his glowing in vibrant violet, although this was overshadowed by the bright sunlight.

Crouching down, Vernon whispered loud enough, "The ocean chose you."

The rest giggled with Vernon's antics. Seungkwan, on the other hand, was not amused.

He flung his left hand to push back Vernon. As he did, not only the ball but also a big splash of seawater hurled Vernon away.

"Did you just throw water on me?" Vernon was baffled. Scratch that. Everyone was baffled.

"So what if I did?" Seungkwan sassed. "Wait... I did?"

"Seungkwan-hyung, I think your power just manifested," Chan was thrilled.

"Really? Mansae!" Seungkwan raised his arms upward. Along with Seungkwan's gesture, a big ball of ocean water flew to the air and rained down on them.

Vernon took Seungkwan's right hand and planted a soft kiss on it, "Congratulations, Kwannie. You are a full Paragon now."

Their parents arrived at this point. Seungkwan's voice was loud enough for them to hear. They thought it was negligible since the capable Paragons were with their soulmates but ultimately decided to check it out anyway. What took the parents longer was the fact that they were hesitating because of the scorching sunshine.

'What's the big commotion?" the parents managed to catch up to their location.

"Sorry about that. It's just that my power just manifested," Seungkwan shyly mentioned.

"Oh really? What is it?" the King questioned.

"He can control water," Vernon answered.

"Congratulations, son," Mr. Boo greeted his son. Seungkwan's mother hugged him.

"No! This vacation was supposed to distract me from everyone having powers and now, Seungkwan already has his," Mingyu kneeled down on the shore and let some sand slowly fall down from his hands.

"There, there, Gyu. Soon, you will have yours," Wonwoo chuckled at his soulmate's reaction after kissing the tip of his nose. The parents also laughed at Mingyu's monologue.

Lunch was served shortly afterwards. Clouds began to cover the sky by the afternoon. Everyone took the perfect opportunity to swim in the ocean while the sun was hiding behind the clouds. Admit it or not, everyone enjoyed the sea.

After the fun holiday, the luxury bus transported them back to the palace. The parents got to know each other throughout the day while the thirteen grew even closer — all thanks to a little bit of water.

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