"Wait, Mrs. Hong... what do you mean by 'blood disorder'?" Seungcheol pointed out.

"Didn't Jisoo told you about it?" Mr. Hong inquired and the two looked at their currently weakened soulmate. "Jisoo has sickle cell anemia. It's a condition where there are not enough healthy blood cells in one's body to deliver oxygen."

"That is why Jisoo looks very pale and gets tired easily," Mrs. Hong continued. "Occasionally, he also feels pain in his chest, abdomen, bones and joints. Thankfully, though, he only has a few pain crises throughout the year,"

"So, you're saying that..." Jeonghan trailed off.

"Jisoo is currently weak maybe because his lack of healthy blood cells and probably the abrupt large blood loss from last night took its toll on his body," Mrs. Hong concluded.

Seungcheol, finally understanding everything, boldly suggested, "Ma'am, sir, let me transform Joshua into a Paragon vampire."

Silence enveloped the Hong living room. The two parents were looking at each other, whispering something Seungcheol and Jeonghan could clearly hear due to their vampire abilities. But it was Joshua who broke the silence.

"Mom, dad, please let Seungcheol turn me," Joshua pleaded.

"But Jisoo..." his mom protested.

"If you turn him into a vampire, what good does it do?" Mr. Hong quizzed.

"Making him a vampire will negate the effects of his anemia since Vampirization will give him Enhanced Health. Although his full transformation from being a human to being a vampire usually take some time, Enhanced Endurance, Health and Stamina and other passive vampire abilities will automatically take effect in his body as soon as he gets bitten. This change in his system will somehow cure his anemia from the inside."

"And besides, mom, dad, my soulmates are vampires and I want to live a long life with them too."

"We know, Jisoo. It's just that everything is too sudden and we're just worried, that's all,"

"Do you really want to be a vampire, Jisoo?" his dad asked him while looking straight into his eyes.

"Yes, dad. I want to be a vampire, be healthy and be with my soulmates always," Joshua responded with equal determination.

"Very well. If that's the case, Prince Seungcheol, we give you our permission to turn Joshua into a vampire," Mr. Hong declared.

"Thank you, sir," Seungcheol and Jeonghan bowed.

"One condition though," Mr. Hong added. "Promise that you will never leave our son's side and never hurt him in anyway."

"We solemnly promise, sir. Though you don't need to ask us about it." Seungcheol pledged.

"Thank you, mom, dad," Joshua used his last ounce of strength to try to walk to his parents. His parents met him mid-way and hugged their son tightly.

"Congratulations on finding your soulmates. Take good care of them as much as they take care of you," Mrs. Hong muttered in his son's ears.

"Yes, mom. I will always treasure these two."

"Excuse me, ma'am and sir, but can I turn Joshua by the end of the day to make him feel better?" Seungcheol interrupted the family moment.

"The sooner, the better. If you want, you can use Jisoo's bedroom," Mrs. Hong offered. "And please, just call us mom or dad or even aunt or uncle. Whatever fits your liking."

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