Being the youngest

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I'm the youngest sister out of 7 siblings. Three half sisters, three half brothers, and one full blood sister. All of my half siblings never lived with me because they are all at least 15 years older than I am so it's just me and my full blooded sister Lyric. 

Usually being the youngest means special treatment and leniency from parents but I never really experienced that. If anything I swear Lyric got more attention and special treatment than I did. She'd get help with homework and was in sports and my mom would always be around her to make sure she was doing her homework. I am a very stubborn and indepent person so I'd get my work done and really kept to myself. Lyric also tended to be more outwardly emotional and open about feelings which my mom took issue with, not in any mean or nasty way but she was scared Lyric would get hurt or played oneday because of her goodhearted nature and outwardly emotional self. I have always been one to bottle up my emotions and refrain myself from crying even at really young ages without much prompting from my parents.  

Honestly this is just to debunk the whiny and spoiled youngest child stereotype that gets passed around a lot.

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