27: Formalities: Part 1

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Mingyu's parents looked at each other before Mr. Kim spoke, "Well, we are okay with that. However, Mingyu will still have to agree as well."

"He could even suck my blood now," Mingyu side commented.

"But there is more concern," Wonwoo continued, ignoring Mingyu's comment. "Under the influence of tomorrow's moon, we might lose control of ourselves and could not stop ourselves from drinking our soulmate's blood. When this happens, the only solution is for us to convert our soulmate into a vampire. I know this might sound too much already but should anything happen tomorrow, may I have your permission to make Mingyu into a vampire?"

Mr. Kim answered, "Like we said, we are okay with that. What we want you to promise us is to keep our Mingyu safe at any cost."

"I promise as Mingyu's soulmate."

"Wow, son. It seems that you will live way longer than us," Mrs. Kim joked with a sad tone.

"Mom..." Mingyu faced his mom worriedly.

"Mom, if you like, I could also turn you into vampires," Wonwoo offered.

"No need, child. We are satisfied with our life as is," Mrs. Kim dismissed. "And I think it's better for Mingyu to be a vampire, considering you are his soulmate. The two of you should be in each other's sides after all."

"Thank you for understanding, mom, dad," Wonwoo offered a deep bow.

"Just don't forget your promise, Wonwoo, or I will haunt you in the afterlife if you do," Mr. Kim threatened.

Wonwoo stayed in the Kim's residence for dinner. On the other hand, Vernon reached Seungkwan's house and rang the doorbell.

"Vernonie!" Seungkwan greeted.

Vernon grabbed Seungkwan's right hand and kissed it, "Good afternoon, Boo."

"Seungkwan! Who is at the d—" Seungkwan's mom was cut off when he saw who it was. "Prince Hansol?"

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I am Choi Hansol Vernon."

"Why is Prince Hansol here, Seungkwan?" Seungkwan's dad asked.

"Oh, right. I did not tell you yet," Seungkwan smiled and leaned his head on Vernon's left shoulder. "Vernonie is my soulmate."

"SOULMATE?" his parents exclaimed. Thankfully, Seungkwan's two elder sisters were not in their house right now or else, there could be lots of teasing.

The conversation was carried over to the living room. It took a while before the fact sank into the minds of Seungkwan's parents.

"So, when did you become soulmates?" Mrs. Boo was still dazed.

"Remember that time when I slept over at the palace for the Literature project? He became my soulmate the morning after," Seungkwan explained.

"I'm sincerely apologize if I only visited now. I should have visited as soon as it happened," Vernon apologize.

"It's okay, Prince Hansol."

"Please, just call me Hansol."

"So, what brings you here to our house?" Mr. Boo asked.

"Ma'am, sir, it's about tomorrow's event," Vernon opened the topic.

"You mean the Super Blue Blood Moon?" Mrs. Boo said.

"Yes, ma'am," Vernon nodded. "You see, for tomorrow's moon, vampires need to drink the blood of their soulmates and drinking the blood of our soulmates may be life-threatening for them. So with regards to this, seeing Seungkwan is a human, I come here to ask for your permission to both drink the blood of Seungkwan and transform Seungkwan into a vampire in the case when his life becomes endangered."

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