22: Prophecy Decoded

Start from the beginning

Finally, the last lines added: 'A deep bond of affection must he establish for if one is without the other shall he perish'," Minhyun added. "As condition to his 'threefold destiny', Prince Seungcheol must find his soulmate and bond with him or her before the next Super Blue Blood Moon, otherwise he will weaken and die."

"So, to summarize, I am the first Paragon born under the Super Blue Blood Moon. I have this threefold destiny I must fulfill. And before the next Super Blue Blood Moon, to fulfill the threefold destiny, I must do three things including finding my soulmate and bonding with them or else I will die," Seungcheol summed up.

"Yes. That is the reason why you are starting to get weak," JR told Seungcheol.

"Why now?" Wonwoo's forehead wrinkled.

"Because a Super Blue Blood Moon only happens every two-hundred sixty-five years," Aron revealed. "And the next Super Blue Blood Moon happens next week."

"You mean..." Seungcheol was unable to finish his sentence.

"Yes, Prince Seungcheol. You only have until next week to find your soulmate," Baekho confirmed.

"Then you must have decrypted the prophecy wrong," Seungcheol claimed.

"How can you so?" Minki responded.

"Because of this," Seungcheol showed them his left wrist. "I found my soulmate earlier."

"Who was it, hyung?" Vernon was interested.

"It's Jeonghan," Seungcheol simply said.

"Okay, but have you bonded with him? The prophecy states 'to establish a deep bond of affection'," Minhyun told Seungcheol.

"Not yet. So, if I bonded my soulmate, my powers and strength will return?"

"It should be," JR can't make any promises. "We can't be so sure since the 'threefold destiny' part is throwing us off."

"Okay. I will try bonding with my soulmate as soon as I can so that should the current interpretation of the prophecy is wrong, we still have time to figure it out," Seungcheol sighed.

"If that's the case, we will now be leaving," JR told the Paragons. "If you need us, just contact us via Minhyun."

And with that, NU'EST left in pillars of water.

"What should you do now, hyung?" Vernon faced Seungcheol.

"Well, I have no choice but to bond with Jeonghan now. I was hoping to take our relationship slow because we just found out earlier but this thing happened," Seungcheol let out another sigh.

"It's okay, hyung. I'm sure Jeonghan-hyung will understand," Seokmin consoled their eldest.

"I sure hope so," Seungcheol's tone was sad.

"Nonsense. I do know so. Jeonghan-hyung won't possibly let his soulmate die," Soonyoung cheered everyone up.

"I guess," Seungcheol agreed. "I think I should visit him tomorrow and explain everything to him,"

"That is a great idea, Seungcheol," the King approved.

"Meanwhile, don't tell Joshua about this," Seungcheol instructed his brothers.

"Why?" Wonwoo reminded Seungcheol.

"Because he is the only one left in our group without a soulmate. We, as in Jeonghan and I, don't want him to feel left out," Seungcheol figured out.

"Okay. We will try our best," his brothers nodded. "How about our soulmates?"

"You can tell them," Seungcheol requested. "For the meantime, I need some time alone to think,"

With his request, everyone left Seungcheol alone. Seungcheol, on the other hand, leaned on his headboard and processed all the new information that was dropped unto him.

Meanwhile, the Paragons' mates plus Joshua were watching the news, hoping details of the invasion will be reported.

"Attention, all astronomers at heart! A very rare celestial spectacle will be happening next week. It's called the Super Blue Blood Moon. This phenomenon is the combination of Super Moon, Blue Moon and Blood Moon. A Super Moon happens when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit. A Blue Moon is simply the second full moon in a month while a Blood Moon is a total lunar eclipse. A Super Blue Blood Moon is the combination of these three astrological events and it's so rare, a Super Blue Blood Moon only happens once every two-hundred sixty-five years. You don't wanna miss it! Watch out for the Super Blue Blood Moon next week's Sunday!" the news anchor from the TV announced.

While the soulmates were immersed in the news about the Super Blue Blood Moon, their phone beeped. It was message in their chat group.

"Everything is okay, guys. We are all safe," Seungcheol's message read.

"Thank goodness," the six mates plus Joshua breathed a sigh of relief.

Another message was received by Jeonghan. It was a private message from Seungcheol.

"Would you mind if I visit tomorrow at your house? I have something to tell you and I want to inform your parents about us."

"Sure. No problem. See you tomorrow," Jeonghan replied.

"Have a good night, soulmate," Seungcheol messaged back.

Jeonghan giggled, "Sweet dreams, soulmate."

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