21: Aftermath

Depuis le début

Meanwhile, ARMY, ERI, and WANNABLE reached the location of the four Princes.

"Is everyone alright?" Xiumin, a member of ERI and the eldest among all of the Royal Defense Force, inquired.

"The four of us are fine. They were just low-level Moissanites after all," Wonwoo responded.

"How about Prince Junhui and Prince Seungcheol? Where are they?" Jisung, the leader of WANNABLE, questioned.

"Jun-hyung faced the Moissanite general since he was the one who attacked hyung's soulmate before," Seokmin informed the Defense Force. "Seungcheol-hyung was battling the Moissanite prince."

As if on cue, Jun appeared from the shadows of trees.

"Jun-hyung!" Vernon shrieked when he saw Jun heavily injured.

The ERI squad moved swiftly and laid Jun down on the ground.

"Yixing, do your thing," Junmyeon, the leader of ERI, told one of his troop mates.

The mentioned Yixing placed his palms on Jun's chest and it began to glow. Yixing had the power to heal. Because of the injuries sustained, it was taking long for the injuries to completely heal up.

As Yixing was healing Jun, another concern was raised by Soonyoung.

"Where is Seungcheol-hyung? He should be here by now. The enemy already retreated," Soonyoung noticed.

"Don't worry, hyung. We'll look for him," Kuanlin, a member of WANNABLE, said. The WANNABLE squad held hands and teleported away. Unlike Jongin's teleportation which was instantaneous, Kuanlin's teleportation was in the form of golden sparks of light.

When WANNABLE rematerialized, they were standing in front of Seungcheol's unconscious body. Greatly alarmed, Daehwi kneeled down and placed his right palm just a few inches above Seungcheol's chest. Thankfully, his hand glowed; Daehwi had the power to heal just like Yixing from ERI.

"No worries, guys. Prince Seungcheol just fainted. He will be fine," Daehwi reassured.

When Seungcheol regained consciousness, he immediately jumped up and extended his arms like he was attacking. Fortunately, nothing came out of his hands.

"What's wrong with my powers? I can't access them," Seungcheol managed to mutter before passing out again. Thankfully, Daniel, a member of WANNABLE, was able to catch him mid-fall.

"What happened?" Daniel was confused while holding Seungcheol's fainted body.

"I healed him already. He should be totally fine by now," Daehwi mumbled.

"Didn't he said he can't access his powers before fainting?" Minhyun, another WANNABLE member, recalled. "I think I know what's wrong with him."

"What is it, hyung?" Jihoon, another member of WANNABLE, faced Minhyun.

"I'm not totally sure yet," Minhyun mentioned. "Kuanlin-ya, can you teleport me to the other Mystics?"

"Sure, hyung." Kuanlin agreed.

"Mystic Headquarters," Kuanlin waved his hand on Minhyun's direction and Minhyun teleported away.

"Meanwhile, let's bring Prince Seungcheol back to the palace. I will contact the others to meet us there."

Sungwoon contacted the other groups telepathically and explained to them the situation. Following their plans, Seungcheol was returned to the palace and was placed comfortably in his bed. He woke up just a few moments later.

"Where I am?" Seungcheol groggily said.

"You are in the palace, Seungcheol," he heard his father's voice. "You fainted after your battle. The WANNABLE squad had to bring you back here."

Seungcheol tried to rise up to a sitting position but he just leaned on his headboard instead, "What happened? Why do I feel so weak?"

"We have no idea, hyung," Soonyoung answered him. "WANNABLE found you injured and unconscious. Daehwi managed to heal you but when you woke up, you said you can't access your powers and fainted once again."

"Can't access my powers?" Seungcheol flicked his right arm many times but nothing happened. Not a single element appeared on his palms.

"How can this be? I can't access my powers and I feel so weak," Seungcheol's voice sounded broken.

"Sorry, son, we have no idea also," the King sadly confessed.

"It's the prophecy," a disembodied voice said from out of nowhere.

"What?" everyone inside Seungcheol's room exclaimed.

"What is currently happening to Prince Seungcheol is all in the prophecy," Minhyun arrived, along with four others inside Seungcheol's room.

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