19: Paragon Duties

Start from the beginning

"What's the limit to what I can spend?" Minghao looked at Jun expectedly.

"Just buy all you possibly need. I'll take care of it," Jun reassured.

"Really?" Minghao smiled.

"Yes. Anything for my soulmate," Jun kissed the top of Minghao's head.

And so, after an hour of meticulous shopping, Minghao purchased three boxes of various art supplies.

"Thank you, Jun-hyung," Minghao faced Jun. Jun just ruffled Minghao's hair.

On the other side of the mall, Mingyu and Wonwoo were in a kitchen equipment and supply store. Mingyu was planning to upgrade his cooking and baking tools to improve his cooking skills.

"Wonnie, there are many things I want to buy. What should I get?" Mingyu was worried.

"Just get what you think is highly necessary. Don't worry much about the expenses," Wonwoo assured.

And with those words, Mingyu got the best cooking and baking tools that he really needed.

"Thank you very much, Wonnie," Mingyu hugged Wonwoo.

"No need to thank me, Gyu," Wonwoo kissed Mingyu's nose.

"Do you want to suck my blood instead?" Mingyu grinned.

"Gyu..." Wonwoo warned.

"I'm just kidding," Mingyu chuckled.

On the other hand, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan decided to shop for food.

"Are you sure you just want to buy food?" Vernon asked.

"You can literally buy anything you want and you just want food?" Seokmin was as baffled as Vernon.

"Well, we just want food for today. And besides, there is always a next time to buy other things," Chan reasoned.

"Next time?" Vernon gasped.

"Why, Vernonie? Aren't you gonna buy me something the next time I want something?" Seungkwan put his hand on his waist.

"Is that true, Kyeomie?" Chan's eyes widened.

"N-no. I'm just shocked, that's all," Vernon defended himself.

"Dino-ya, of course, I'll still buy you anything you want next time," Seokmin pouted.

"Also, we chose food since we want to share it with everyone," Chan explained.

"Suit yourself then. Buy all the food you need," Vernon stated.

Finally, Soonyoung brought Jihoon to a music store. Jihoon was confused at this.

"Why are we here?" Jihoon's eyebrows met in the middle.

"Remember, when you said in Quelpart Island that you have something that you want?" Soonyoung recalled and Jihoon nodded.

"I wanted to buy you a gift to celebrate us becoming soulmates," Soonyoung smiled. "I know you want to buy it on your own and I don't know if what you want is in this store, but please allow me to pamper you as my soulmate for this time."

"Are you sure? I don't want to spend money that is not mine," Jihoon told Soonyoung.

"Yes, I'm very sure. What's mine is yours. After all, you are my soulmate," Soonyoung smiled at Jihoon. "And Ji, don't hold yourself back. If you want it, take it. I am more than willing to pay it for you. I can even buy the whole store if you want to."

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