18: Soulmate Bonding

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"And the second requirement differs for each type?" Zico raised his eyebrows.

"Exactly," Mr. Park continued. "For Human-to-Human Soulmate Bonding, the trigger is a simple kiss or peck on each other's lips."

"How about for the others?" Mingyu was highly involved in the lesson. It was somehow scaring Wonwoo.

"For both Vampire-to-Human and Vampire-to-Vampire Soulmate Bonding, it involves the vampire to bite and suck the blood of your soulmate. For a Vampire-to-Vampire soulmate pair, it could be either one of them or both of them biting and sucking each other. Either way, they are still getting bonded."

"Aren't there dangers in Vampire-to-Human and Vampire-to-Vampire Soulmate Bonding, sir?" Renjun questioned.

"Of course. You should know about that," Mr. Park responded. "You see ever since your become soulmates, your blood is the only blood that smells and tastes delicious to your vampire soulmate. Of course, Barbarians are exemptions of this rule since they find all blood delicious. The danger is that when your vampire soulmate sucks your blood, they have a tendency to lose control of themselves, endangering the life of the one being drained."

"Now, Vampire-to-Vampire pairs are better since the one being drained is also a vampire, which means their Enhance Endurance and Stamina is helpful. However, humans are endangered in these kinds of situations. This is more dangerous when it's a Vampire-Vampire-Human pair. Am I right, Renjun-ssi?" Mr. Park thoroughly gave out the details.

"Why Renjun, sir?" Sunmi was confused.

"You see, Renjun was originally a human. However, because he's soulmates to both Jeno-ssi and Jaemin-ssi who are both Archetypes, he almost died when they bonded. As a last resort, Jeno and Jaemin had to turn Renjun into an Archetype to survive."

"Oh, wow. That is interesting," Seungcheol muttered under his breathe.

"Won't biting automatically turn someone into that type of vampire?" Chungha stated.

"Actually, no. Vampires can bite or suck blood without turning the recipient into a vampire." Mr. Park clarified. "It's the vampire's prerogative if they want to grant vampire abilities to the recipient or not."

"Sir, how do we know if someone is already bonded?"

"To answer that question, let's take a look at Jisung, Chenle, Jaemin, Donghyuck, Jeno, Renjun and Mark, shall we?" the said individuals stood in front of the classroom as requested by Mr. Park.

"Now, tell me. What can you observe?" Mr. Park probed. "Hint: remember who is paired with who."

The class remained silent for a short while as they observed the seven males.

"Does it have something to do with the eyes?" Jihoon blurted out.

"Yes, what is it, Jihoon-ssi?" Mr. Park encouraged.

"I noticed that the pairs have similar eye color on their irises," Jihoon shared what he observed. "Blueish for Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno, pinkish for Jisung and Chenle and reddish for Mark and Donghyuck."

"Excellent observation, Jihoon-ssi! Yes, when soulmates get bonded, they will now share the same eye color, specifically on your irises"," Mr. Park explained once again. "Now, this color will be exclusive to that specific pair only. This means that only Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno will have that specific blue color and so with Jisung and Chenle and Mark and Donhyuck. No other pair of soulmates will have the same eye color as you and soulmate would have for as long as you live. It will either be a different shade, tint or tone from the others."

"For example, Jieun-ssi also have reddish eyes like our Mark and Donghyuck here but Jieun-ssi, do you know what specific color are your eyes?"

"Well, they told us our eyes are Scarlet, Funtone 19-1760," Jieun recalled.

"How about yours, Mark and Donghyuck?"

"We were told it was Fire Truck Red, Funtone 1795C," Mark answered.

"As you heard, although it was the same hue, which is red, the difference in shade, tint or tone made it a completely different color," Mr

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"As you heard, although it was the same hue, which is red, the difference in shade, tint or tone made it a completely different color," Mr. Park simplified.

"Who told them the color, sir?" Jessi asked.

"Oh, it's Funtone. Funtone is a company in our kingdom that has developed the Funtone Matching System. The Funtone Matching System is a proprietary color space that they developed for various industries. Because of this, they are also offering the service to identify which color is your and your soulmate's eyes are." Mr. Park added. "Any other questions?"

"Sir, is there any major consequences for vampires who get bonded?" Zico questioned.

"Actually, yes," Mr. Park confirmed. "When bonded, vampires could only survive through the blood of their soulmates. No other blood will suffice. Although, of course, they can still eat food like human but only the blood of their soulmate can quench their thirst for blood the moment they become bonded. Also, every time you use your power, your eyes will glow. Add that to the unique colors your eyes will turn into, it will be a beautiful sight."

"Really?" Mingyu's eyes sparkled. This was worrying Wonwoo a bit.

"Ok, so in conclusion, Soulmate Bonding is the pseudo-matrimonial process for soulmate relationships. Human-to-Human bonding is triggered by a kiss or a peck while Vampire-to-Human and Human-to-Human bonding is through a bite or a suck of their soulmate's blood. Bonded soulmates will share an exclusively unique eye color. Finally, vampires who are already bonded can only quench their thirst for blood by drinking the blood of their soulmates. No other blood will do." Mr. Park summarized. "Any other questions? None? Then, that will be the end of our second Fatumics lesson. Class dismissed."

Mr. Park left the classroom. On the other hand, Rose Quartz erupted into a murmuring mess as soon as their teacher left.

"Wow, our Fatumics and Vampirology classes never disappoint," Mingyu excitedly stated. "I really learned a lot today."

"Yeah, you were very active in today's class. That is quite usual," Jeonghan pointed out.

"By the way" — Mingyu turned to face Wonwoo with a sheepish smile on his face — "do you want your eyes to change color now?"

With Mingyu's statement, his twelve friends had their jaw dropped on the ground.

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