13: Quelpart Escapade

Start from the beginning

"As for the other house, Wonwoo and Mingyu; Junhui and Minghao; Vernon and Seungkwan; Seokmin and Chan; Soonyoung and Jihoon; and finally Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua will be sharing the three-person room." Mr. Park finished the room assignment. "You have the whole morning to relax. Our activities will start this afternoon."

With the billeting done, the class was split into two. The Paragon group entered the house and immediately searched for their rooms. As it was still 2 hours before lunch time, the soulmate pairs thought it was a great to spend time cuddling with one another in their respective rooms.

"What is it, Wonnie?" Mingyu blurted out when Wonwoo suddenly hugged him from the back while he was fixing his things.

"Nothing. I just want to hug you, that's all," Wonwoo replied, placing his head on Mingyu's shoulders.

"Vernonie, are you really sure you are okay with me as your soulmate?" Seungkwan expressed his insecurity.

"Why do you ask?" Vernon replied while playing with Seungkwan's hair on his lap.

"Well, you are this great Paragon vampire with amazing powers and I'm just an ordinary human."

"Don't worry. You are my soulmate. I wouldn't have it any other way," Vernon replied, kissing the back of Seungkwan's right hand.

"Haohao?" Jun called for his soulmate who was leaning on him.


"Thank you for being my soulmate."

"Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life," Minghao reciprocated, snuggling closer to Jun's side.

"And I'll always be here to protect you, Haohao. I promise you that," Jun kissed the top of Minghao's head.

Meanwhile, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua were just peacefully settling themselves in their room, although they were having trouble deciding on who will sleep in which bed.

"Uhm? How should we decide who gets what bed?" Joshua politely asked, making the three of them face the three twin XL size beds placed on one side of the room.

"I can be in the bed farthest from the window since it is nearest to the bathroom. I wake up early, after all," Seungcheol mentioned.

"I think Joshua should take the bed nearest to the window. He likes to read so the natural light from the window will be useful," Jeonghan decided. "I'll be taking the middle bed."

"If that's okay with you, then it's fine by me," Joshua agreed.

On the other hand, Soonyoung and Jihoon were back from bickering once again. They were arguing about who should get the bed by the window.

"I think you should get the bed by the window," Soonyoung offered.

"No, I think you should."

"I insist."

"But I insist more," Jihoon was not backing down.

"Our resort, my rules," Soonyoung pulled out his "I-am-the-owner" card against Jihoon.

"That is so unfair. I don't like near the window. It's too bright in the morning," Jihoon protested with a pout. This made Soonyoung raise the white flag.

"If you really don't want it, then I'll take the window bed."

"Thank you, Hoshi," Jihoon shyly muttered. "Why do you even want me near the window anyway?"

"I just wanted to know if you'll look angelic in the morning sunlight. I bet you'll look really cute," Soonyoung nonchalantly blurted out. "But since you dislike being near the window, I can't let my hot pepper have his sleep disturbed now, can I?"

"M-m-my h-hot pepper?" Jihoon stuttered.

"Yes. My hot pepper. Since you are my room partner, you are my responsibility," Soonyoung smiled at him. Jihoon became very flustered at those words. Jihoon couldn't even grasp if Soonyoung was still teasing or not.

On Seokmin and Chan's room, everything was sort of orderly. Chan was being too excited and Seokmin just went along with it.

"I call dibs on the bed by the window!" Chan claimed.

"Sure. You can have it."

"Are you sure, hyung? Sorry, I was being over-excited,"

"It's okay, Dino-ya" Seokmin replied.


"W-w-well, I heard that it's your nickname and I find it to be cute so I wanted to use it. Sorry if I called you Dino without asking."

"It's okay, hyung. You can call me Dino," Dino looked down on the floor to hide his blushing face.

"Really? Thank you so much for allowing me, Dino-ya," Seokmin ruffled his hair.

While Seokmin was happy outside, he was really happier inside. He really wanted to call Chan "Dino" since he thought it really fits with his cuteness. Similarly, Chan couldn't get over how beautifully his nickname came out of Seokmin's mouth. He was really crushing on Seokmin for a month now. He found Seokmin to be energetic and fun to be with but, at the same time, mature with needed to. Never did the two realize, both of them had the same thought in their head.

"I hope you're my soulmate."

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