"Oh, really? Let me just put my things in my bag and let's go out together," Jeonghan hurriedly placed his things inside his bag.

And so, after a very interesting time at the library, Jeonghan and Joshua exited the library.

In the meantime, Jun and Minghao entered a coffee place with only a few people inside. Jun chose a table on an isolated corner of the café for a little bit of privacy. When they were seated, Jun ordered iced Americano and grilled cheese while Minghao ordered a kind of tea and a slice of chocolate cake.

"W-why are we here?" Minghao questioned.

"I just wanted to hang out with my soulmate," Jun reached for Minghao's hand and intertwined it with his. "Why? You don't like it?"

"It's fine. It's just that the fact that I already found my soulmate or that you are my soulmate is not yet totally sinking in," Minghao answered honestly since he can't lie to Jun either way.

"As for me, I am really glad that you are my soulmate, Minghao. I was really hoping it was you since I fell for you during our first day of class," Jun held to Minghao more tightly.

Minghao blushed at the confession and whispered to himself, "Same here."

"What did you say, Haohao?" Jun inquired.

"That I may have also liked you from the first time I saw you," Minghao gasped and covered his mouth. He wasn't really planning on answering the whole truth to Jun.

"You can't lie to me, Haohao, remember. Good to know that you like me too," Jun smiled and ruffled Minghao's hair. "I am so happy that you are my soulmate, Haohao."

"Me as well," Haohao shyly answered.

After their peaceful date at the café, Jun walked Minghao to his house.

"I'll be going now, Haohao. See you tomorrow," Jun kissed Minghao on top of his head.

"Bye, Junnie. I enjoyed spending time with you today. See you tomorrow, s-s-soulmate," Minghao hesitantly said the last part and ran inside his house.

"Aw... you're so cute," Jun chuckled to himself.

While Jeonghan and Joshua were at the library and Jun and Minghao were at the café, Wonwoo and Mingyu were walking towards Mingyu's house. When they reached the front gate, Mingyu heard Wonwoo let out a heavy sigh.

"Gyu? Are your parents at home?"

"Yes. Why? Anything wrong, Wonnie?" Mingyu faced Wonwoo.

"Nothing major, Gyu. It's just that this is my first time visiting your home and meeting your parents, remember?"

"Don't worry. I know they'll like you," Mingyu assured.

The two of them entered the house, nervously in Wonwoo's case.

"I'm home," Mingyu went straight to the dining area where he knew his parents would be. Wonwoo was still on the front door, taking off his shoes.

"Welcome home, son. Why do you look happier than usual?" His mom, who was at the kitchen connected to the dining area, noticed.

"I brought my soulmate!" Mingyu happily announced.

"Really? We finally get to meet him, huh?" his father snorted as he sipped his coffee.

"Here he is!" Mingyu pulled Wonwoo within his parents' field of vision. His father got choked on his coffee and his mother dropped the utensils that she was washing when they saw who Mingyu had with him.

"H-hello, sir and ma'am. I am Jeon Wonwoo, Mingyu's soulmate. Nice to meet you," Wonwoo politely introduced himself.

"P-p-p-prince W-wonwoo?" Mingyu's mom stuttered at the sight. Wonwoo bowed in return.

"You are my son's soulmate?" Mingyu's father raised both the tone of his voice and his finger. Wonwoo was slightly worried about this.

"Is something wrong with me being your son's soulmate?" Wonwoo anxiously asked.

"N-no. None at all. It's just that we are quite surprised in knowing you are our son's soulmate all this time."

"What brings you here in our humble abode?" Mingyu's mother left the kitchen to accommodate Wonwoo. "Please take a seat, Prince Wonwoo."

"Please, just call me Wonwoo, ma'am. Actually, Mingyu invited me to come over. I hope I was not intruding. Sorry if I took this long before I formally introduced myself to you," Wonwoo bowed his head as an apology.

"Nonsense, child. Feel free to visit here anytime," Mingyu's father stated.

"Please accept our hospitality and stay for dinner," Mingyu's mother offered.

"Oh, thank you. I will."

"For the meantime, mom and dad, Wonwoo and I will be in my room," Mingyu excused the two of them from the dining area.

As they left, Mingyu's parents still couldn't believe their son's soulmate was a Paragon. They started preparing for dinner while still in daze. Mingyu and Wonwoo, on the other hand, reached Mingyu's room, went straight to the bed and cuddled.

"Thankfully, your parents like me," Wonwoo said as he was hugging Mingyu while lying down on the bed.

"Nah. I know they will. You're a pretty likeable person after all," Mingyu replied as he hugged Wonwoo back.

"Yes. I'm likeable. You like me after all," Wonwoo remarked and planted a kiss on Mingyu's nose.

"Well, that's because you are my soulmate," Mingyu snuggled closer and buried his head on Wonwoo's chest.

Wonwoo chuckled, "And I am forever yours. I hope you'll be forever mine."

"No need to ask."

After almost an hour of more cuddling, Mingyu's mother called them down for dinner. Wonwoo was able to get closer to Mingyu's parents and, in turn, Mingyu's parents got to know Wonwoo better. After dinner and a few conversations, Wonwoo bid goodbye to Mingyu and his parents.

"See you tomorrow, Wonnie!" Mingyu said as he stood face to face with Wonwoo by the front gate.

"See you tomorrow, Gyu. Have a good night." Wonwoo kissed Mingyu's nose again but much longer this time.

"Wonnie, my parents are watching," Mingyu whined as his parents were watching them from the door.

"I can't help myself. You're too cute," Wonwoo responded and rode the car that was there to fetch him.

Wonwoo's car drove away. And the night deepened just like the relationship of the two pairs of soulmates who already found each other.

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