7: Vampire Nomenclature

Start from the beginning

"The Pedigrees, Hybrids, and Barbarians," Jihoon answered.

"Correct. Vampires have three major classifications: Pedigrees, Hybrids and Barbarians. These classifications are determined by the 'purity' of the vampire. Pedigrees, in simpler terms, are pure-blooded vampires. Meaning both of their parents are vampires. Any Human or Hybrid that gets bitten by Pedigrees also becomes a Pedigree. Furthermore, in addition to the typical vampire abilities, Pedigrees possess other powers as well. For example, King Han Sungsoo is known to possess Power Negation, which is the ability to cancel out the power of others," Mr. Hwang explained the first classification.

"Second, Hybrids are half-blooded vampires, in much simpler terms. Hybridsare usually a result between a vampire-human soulmate relationship. However, itcould also be that if both parents are vampires but at least one of them is aHybrid then their offspring will also be a Hybrid. Furthermore, if a human isbitten and turned into a vampire by a Hybrid, they automatically become aHybrid. Hybrids also only possess the basic vampire abilities, namely SuperStrength, Hyper Speed, Agility, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Endurance, EnhancedHealth, Enhanced Stamina and Age Deceleration. Vampires also have a limited formof Conversion where they can convert or transform humans into vampires if theywanted to."

"Third, Barbarians can either be pure-blooded or half-blooded. What differs them from other vampire classification is that they do not follow the law. They like to suck the blood of any human they find and kill them. Thankfully, they have been driven out from the Kingdom so it's very unlikely to come across one."

Jun saw Minghao tense up at the mention of Barbarian so he whispered, "Haohao, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay. Just the events from last night are flashing back in my mind."

"Don't worry about it anymore. I'm here to protect you," Jun smiled at his soulmate.

"While those three are the basic classifications of vampires, Pedigrees are even divided into three categories. What are these?"

Donghyuck answered, "Paragons, Archetypes and Mystics."

"Correct. Pedigrees are sub-divided into three, namely Paragons, Archetypes and Mystics," Mr. Hwang continued. "Paragons are nobility or royalty of the vampire world. Their lineage has been in rule for many centuries now and they keep everything in order. However, Paragons' number have dwindled in the past decades so they usually don't show themselves in public. Now, the Paragons have the ability to turn any Human or even Hybrids that they bite into a Paragon Pedigree."

"Archetypes are basically the pure-blooded vampires that are not part of the nobility but they are still highly respected by other vampires because of the purity of their blood. Archetypes have the ability to turn humans into an Archetype Pedigree."

"Finally, the Mystics. At the very basic level, Mystics are just Archetypes. However, they have vested with the duty to be the advisers to the Paragons. Being a Mystic is also hereditary and there are a few family of vampires that are part of the Mystic lineage. Usually, Mystics possess powers that predict the future or powers that protect them from harm or detection. However, one special privilege that Mystics have is that they can limitedly cast spells which can only be used in certain specific situations." Mr. Hwang elaborated. "Now, how about we compare powers for a little of fun? After all, we have Hybrids, Archetypes and Paragons in this class. Is this alright, Prince Seungcheol?"

"Sure, sir. It's fine," Seungcheol gave his approval.

"So, let's start with Hybrids. I know Donghyuck-ssi and Chenle-ssi are Hybrids, right? Since, you possess basic vampire abilities such as Super Strength and Hyper Speed, let us not have you demonstrate your power inside this constrained room." Mr. Hwang instructed. "Now, onto Archetypes. Jisung-ssi, Jaemin-ssi, Jeno-ssi, Renjun-ssi, and Mark-ssi, can you demonstrate or tell us about your powers?

"I can levitate," Jisung said as he began floating along with his desk and chair.

"I can Astral Project," Jaemin's astral form announced.

"I have Thought Projection. I can bring anything I draw into life," Renjun mentioned.

"I have Apportation. I can teleport objects to my location as long as I know exactly where it is," Jeno revealed as he summoned a chalk from the teacher's table.

"Sleep Induction. I can make people and vampires fall to sleep," Mark declared.

"Thank you. And I must say, your eyes were glowing beautifully. Nice colors, by the way. Now, for the Paragons, could I request our honorable Princes to demonstrate their powers?"

Everyone was looking at the Princes' direction. All of them were actually excited to see what sort of powers do each of the Princes possess. Seungcheol just nodded to his brothers.

"So, my power is Electrokinesis," Vernon said as he generated little electric sparks in his right hand.

"Mine is Pyrogenism," Seokmin allowed some flames to burst out of his fingers.

"Geokinesis. Can manipulate and generate earth and earth-based materials," Wonwoo explained as rocks formed in his palm.

"Aerokinesis. That means air," Hoshi had a mini-tornado on his right palm.

"Umbrakinesis or simply darkness and shadows." Jun was coated in a pitch black darkness.

"Well, mine is a bit complicated. Simply put, I can manipulate and generate all six elements of nature," Seungcheol released a huge blast of wind, a splash of water, a small ball of fire, a few rocks, a little bit of spark and blew out icy mist.

Similarly, the Princes' eyes glowed white while they were demonstrating your powers.

"Thank you for your demonstration, students. That was very helpful for our lesson for today," Mr. Hwang applauded. "Any questions from the class?"

"Do vampires really need to drink lots of blood to survive?" Jieun questioned.

"Okay, good question," Mr. Hwang recognized. "While vampires do drink blood, they do not need to drink blood all the time. They can also eat foods that humans eat. Vampires can survive having just a small amount of anyone's blood for a couple of days. However, that is not the case for vampires who are already bonded with their soulmates which will be discussed sooner or later. But the idea is, vampires do need blood but not all the time."

"Thank you for the clarification, sir."

"Any other questions?" the class had no response. "If there are no other questions, then class dismissed. Good afternoon and see you all next time."

Everyone at the class, especially the humans, were surprised at how interesting and informative the Vampirology class was. In fact, they really enjoyed the first lesson. Let just say they have high expectations on what will they be talking about in the next session.

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