6: Night Troubles

Start from the beginning

"So, do you think you can escape?" the Barbarian growled.

Using his speed, the Barbarian was able to catch Minghao and pinned him on the wall.

"Got you," the Barbarian gritted his teeth.

"HELP!" Minghao managed to shout.

"Scream all you want. No one will have the courage to help you." The Barbarian whispered. Unfortunately, the Barbarian had a point.

"Please. Let me go," Minghao pleaded as the attacker was holding his neck tightly.

"Only after all your blood is mine," the Barbarian flashed his smirk again.

The Barbarian lowered his face near Minghao's neck and sniffed Minghao's scent.

"You have a nice smell. I will be enjoying sucking you dry," the Barbarian commented as he opened his mouth and brought out his fangs.

"ANYONE! PLEASE HELP ME!" Minghao internally pleaded. He felt absolutely hopeless that he began to cry.

However, as the Barbarian was about to sink his fangs in Minghao's neck, a voice from behind stopped him from his action.

"Let him go," the voice, clearly seething with anger, said.

The Barbarian turned around to see another pair of glowing eyes with no color whatsoever, "Who might you be?"

Minghao also moved his head slightly to see who was there. Unlike the Barbarian, he saw a pair of white eyes so he was sure it was another vampire. The only thing that bothered Minghao though was that the voice seemed familiar.

"For the last time, I said let him go," the unknown rescuer commanded.

"Mind you own business, will you?" the Barbarian spat back.

"The one you're holding is MY business," the unknown figure replied.

"Well, sorry mate but I got him first," the Barbarian motioned to bite Minghao's neck.

The next thing Minghao knew, he was down on the ground. The Barbarian was peeled off of him before he could sink his fangs in and was thrown at a considerable distance.

"DO NOT TOUCH WHAT'S MINE!" the silhouette growled.

"Not if I get to him first," the Barbarian challenged.

Greatly angered, Minghao's rescuer was being surrounded with what looks like something darker than the night. It stretched its hands forward and out came jet black streams of darkness from his both of his hands. This greatly injured Minghao's attacker.


With the stern warning, the heavily injured Barbarian ran away at tremendous speed. Meanwhile, Minghao was still lying weakly on the ground. The still-unknown rescuer turned around, went near Minghao and crouched down to his level.

"Prince Jun?" Minghao gasped.

"Hello there, Minghao," Jun smiled. "Happy to see me?"

"Absolutely not," Minghao retorted.

But as Minghao spoke his answer, his and Jun's left wrists glowed. A few seconds later, both of their marks have already merged – a red piano overlaying a brown infinity symbol. Realizing what just happened, Jun immediately yanked Minghao into a tight embrace.

"Nice to finally find you, my soulmate," Minghao whispered into Minghao's ears before breaking the hug

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"Nice to finally find you, my soulmate," Minghao whispered into Minghao's ears before breaking the hug. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"My back and neck hurts," Minghao tried to act tough but quickly covered his mouth.

"You can't lie to me now, remember?" Jun chuckled as he caressed Minghao's cheek.

"But how? Why..." Minghao stuttered.

"How did I find you? I heard your scream, of course. I was just locking the piano room back at the university when I heard your voice screaming for help. We vampires have sensitive ears after all," Jun explained.

"You came to help me?" Minghao blushed.

"Yup," Jun confirmed. "Aww... you look so cute."

Minghao was startled when Jun kissed the top of his head, "Yah! What are you doing?"

"Showering my soulmate with affection?" Jun tilted his head.

"Stop it!" Minghao protested.

"But I know you love it."

"Yes," Minghao blurted out. "Ugh..."

"You're so cute."

"Just take me home, will you? My back and neck still hurts."

"My soulmate's wish is my command."

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