5: Soulmate Mechanics

Start from the beginning

By Mr. Park's question, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jisung, Chenle, Donghyuck, Mark, Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun raised their hands.

"Oh, I see we have quite a lot," Mr. Park commented. "Jisung-ssi, who is your soulmate?"

"My soulmate is Chenle, sir," Jisung answered; his face was red all over.

"Really? Now, how about you, Donghyuck-ssi?"

"Unfortunately, my soulmate is this Mark in front of me, sir." Donghyuck rolled his eyes while Mark just pouted.

Mr. Park giggled, "Don't worry, Mark-ssi. Try as he might but Donghyuck-ssi can't deny that he loves you."

"I know, sir. I know," Mark simply said.

"Finally, we have Mingyu-ssi. He might not be here but could you tell us who is your soulmate?" Wonwoo almost laughed at Mr. Park's statement.

"Actually, sir, my soulmate is Wonwoo," Mingyu smiled brightly.

"Really now? Prince Wonwoo?"

"Yup. This puppy is mine," Wonwoo reached around Mingyu's waist and pulled him close.

"Wow, this class is really interesting. Similar to Section Silver-Gray," Mr. Park whispered to himself. "Now, to those who already met their soulmates, can you tell us how did you find out that you were soulmates?"

"Our marks glowed and merged when I lied to him for the very first time," Donghyuck gave an answer.

"Correct! According to research and collective knowledge, lying to your eventual soulmate will cause your mark to glow, like a magical lie detector, and then, your marks will combine or merge into one mark. This results to you and your soulmate having the same marks on your wrist. To prove this, can I ask Wonwoo-ssi and Mingyu-ssi to explain their marks to us?"

Wonwoo stood up after Mingyu pleaded him using his eyes, "Fine, I will. My mark was originally a brown cat and Gyu's mark was originally a much lighter brown dog. When I lied to him, they merged and now it looked like this." Wonwoo raised his wrist and showed them the merged mark.

"Thank you, Wonwoo-ssi," Mr. Park continued. "Now, it's true that lying to your potential soulmate will trigger the merger of your marks. Curiously however, when your marks have already merged and you found your soulmate, you cannot lie to your soulmate again. Whether it is through magic or impulse or physiological reboot, nobody really knows. But the fact remains that once you found your soulmate, you cannot lie to them ever again. But on the other hand, half-lies, white lies and not directly lying to your eventual soulmate can cause varied results; they may or may not trigger the merging of your marks."

"Yes, that has its pros and cons, unfortunately," Jisung sighed.

"So, those are the basics of Soulmates and Soulmate Marks. Any questions?" Mr. Park facilitated.

"Sir, is it possible to have more than one soulmate?" Jessi asked and some people in the class gasped.

"Yes, actually. I believe we have a soulmate triad here in this class."

"Who?" the class erupted with murmurs.

"Please, if you're ready, you can reveal yourselves. If not, then we'll respect your privacy."

Jeno looked at Jaemin and Renjun and thankfully, they nodded. The three of them raised their hands shyly, "It's us."

"Yes. Thank you," Mr. Park smiled fondly at them. "Now, as you can see a soulmate triad or more is possible, albeit very rare. So, it's very lucky for our part to have seen a group of three soulmates in our lifetime."

"But how does that work, sir? I am actually very curious," Chungha was curious.

"Well, Jeno-ssi, Jaemin-ssi, and Renjun-ssi, would you mind narrating your experience?"

"It actually happened rather fast," Jeno narrated. "I twisted my right ankle playing basketball one time but I tried to hide it from my best friends."

"I was the first one to find him in the lockers and yanked him all of the sudden so that the three of us could walk home together. When I pulled him, he yelped in pain so I asked him if he was alright," Jaemin continued.

"So I answered yes as to hide the fact. Right then, Jaemin's and my marks glowed and merged. That is when we realized we are soulmates. That was also when we decided to hide the fact that we are soulmates from Renjun for him not to feel left out."

"As for me, I got tired waiting in the cafeteria that I went looking for them. I saw them sitting in the lockers very quietly. I approached them and asked 'Is everything alright?'" Renjun gave his part of the story.

"So, maybe out of reflex or impulse, I answered yes. As you may have expected, this time, my merged mark has merged again with Renjun's mark." Jeno chuckled.

"Out of shock, I asked them what was happening. Since Jeno just sat there frozen, I turned to Jaemin."

"For my part, I simply uttered 'I don't know' since even I was greatly shocked with the events. But to make matters even more shocking, Renjun's wrist and mine glowed once again. That was when we realized that the three of us are soulmates." Jaemin finished the story.

"Thank you for sharing your experience," Mr. Park thanked them. "As you heard, the mechanics are pretty much the same but in more complicated manner. In a soulmate triad, you actually have to lie to both of your soulmates to complete the merging of your marks. But because most of the time, people in this situation assume that everything is done after the first soulmate, such as in the case with Jeno and Jaemin, they get completely shocked when they lie to their second soulmate, hence in Renjun's case."

"Wow, that means that even though you have met your soulmate already, there are still chances that you have another soulmate somewhere," Sunmi concluded.

"Exactly!" Mr. Park affirmed.

"Is there any way to know if you already found all of your soulmates?" Jieun asked.

"According to research, there is one method. However, it is so subtle that nearly everyone misses it." Mr. Park revealed. "As stated by research, you merged soulmate marks should appear to have a gloss-like finish under the light of a full moon — may it be an ordinary full moon, super moon, blue moon or even blood moon. Furthermore, this knowledge is not so widely-known so soulmate triads or even more usually get the shock of their lives when they all meet each other."

"What a useful piece of information!"

"So in conclusion, your Soulmate is or Soulmates are the only person or persons you will ever love in your entire life. Your Soulmate Mark is a representation of your talents, personality or hobbies and is unique to yourself. Your Soulmate Mark is very helpful in determining your soulmate while lying to your soulmate becomes the trigger to know who is your soulmate. Your soulmate marks merge after finding your soulmate. Once you find your soulmate, you cannot lie to them again. Finally, a soulmate triad or more is actually possible but in their case, the mechanics become much more complicated than usual." Mr. Park summarized. "Any other questions?"

"None, sir," the class responded.

"Then, we will end today's Fatumics class in this topic. Good morning and see you tomorrow," Mr. Park ended the class and exited the room.

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