3: New Information

Start from the beginning

"Since it is almost lunch time, for the final stop of the tour, we will be going to the cafeteria," Mingyu mentioned. "If you don't mind, you will be sitting with my friends. Is that alright?"

"Sure. We don't mind meeting new friends. That is the reason why our father enrolled us here after all," Soonyoung agreed; the other Princes nodded.

Well, truth be told, the Princes have other reasons why they agreed on sitting with Mingyu's friends. Let's just say they had taken a liking to their seatmates – both sides in Seungcheol's case. Weird right?

Meanwhile, Mingyu's friends already occupied a long table that could fit fourteen people. They chose this table since it will be very likely that the Princes will be sitting with them, considering Mingyu was their guide. Add that to the fact that Mingyu's soulmate will be eating with them.

"I'm really curious about Mingyu's soulmate. I wonder what they look like?" Jihoon wondered.

"I know, right. Does his soulmate even study in this university?" Joshua pondered.

"Putting those thoughts aside, what did you think about the Princes?" Seungkwan opened the topic.

"Why you ask, Seungkwan? Have someone you fancy?" Jeonghan wiggled his eyebrows.

"No!" Seungkwan defended himself while his face turned into the shade of tomatoes.

"Then, why are you blushing?" Minghao teased.

"Okay, fine. You got me. I think I find Prince Vernon attractive," Seungkwan confessed.

"Fair point. They are Paragons after all," Chan dismissed. "How about you guys?"

"Well, my seatmate, Prince Jun, has been telling me weird stuff earlier," Minghao revealed.

"What kind of weird stuff?" Jeonghan was curious.

"After we took our seats, he was continuously staring at me so I asked him if he needed anything," Minghao said.

"And?" Seungkwan was highly invested with Minghao's story.

"Well, he answered 'Yes. I need you... in my life'. See? That is how weird he is," Minghao blushed as he narrated.

"Wow. Someone's whipped," Jihoon sneered and the rest, except Minghao, laughed. "As for me, I still will have to see what kind of seatmate Prince Hoshi will be."

"I like Prince Seokmin. He seems bright and easy to get along with," Chan mentioned.

"Like, eh?" Seungkwan smirked.

"Whatever, Seungkwan-hyung," Chan simply rolled his eyes.

In the meantime, Jeonghan and Joshua were silent, although both of their minds were thinking of the same person without the two of them knowing – Crown Prince Seungcheol. The two of them cannot actually describe it but something about Crown Prince Seungcheol that caught their attention but they don't want to tell others about it. They would like to keep everything to themselves first and observe where their curiosity would take them.

While Jeonghan and Joshua were deep in thought, Mingyu and the Princes arrived at the cafeteria. Mingyu lead them around the table and they all sat down.

"So before anything else, allow me to introduce my friends," Mingyu prompted as he gestured his arm around. "This is Yoon Jeonghan, a Hybrid; this is Hong Jisoo but you can call him Joshua, a human; this is Lee Jihoon or Woozi for short, a Hybrid; this is Xu Minghao, a human; Boo Seungkwan, a human; and finally Lee Chan or Dino, a Hybrid."

"Hello. I hope we all become friends," the Princes bowed to the newly-introduced individuals.

"And, as you know, these are the Princes of our kingdom. They introduced themselves earlier so I won't be introducing them again," Mingyu stated as he took his seat.

A few minutes passed and one could say that there was still an awkward atmosphere around the table. Couldn't blame them, though. They all just met after all and there were even royalties on the table. While their table was silent, the other tables were, unfortunately, not. The students, most especially the vampires, recognized the Princes now sitting in one of the cafeteria tables. Let's just say the cafeteria was filled with murmurs about the Paragons in their midst.

"By the way, Mingyu. Where is your soulmate? Let him come here now so that we can start eating lunch. We can't let the Princes wait for too long," Jeonghan told Mingyu in order to break the awkward situation they were in.

"Oh, actually, we can already start eating our lunches," Mingyu simply stated.

"Why? Your soulmate is not here yet," Joshua faced Mingyu.

"Oh, he is already here," Mingyu nonchalantly answered.

"Where?" his friends tried to look around.

"Hello, I am Mingyu's soulmate," a deep voice was heard near them.

Mingyu's friends turn their head toward the direction of the voice, only to find Prince Wonwoo in their line of sight.

"Uhm... I beg your pardon?" Joshua's eyebrows met.

"I'm Mingyu's soulmate that you are looking for," Wonwoo clarified by raising his and Mingyu's left wrist.




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