Ranboo's power

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*Third Person POV*

Schlatt slammed Clay onto the ground before stomping on his head over and over again while Grian watched helplessly, knowing damn well that if he would only get in the way and make things harder. 

"What happened, brat? Can't use that power again because you're scared it'll break your arms?" Schlatt taunted as he continued to beat down on Clay. 

Meanwhile, Clay was desperately trying to activate One for All or 'Clutch', either was fine as it would give him a fighting chance against Schlatt. However, as much as he struggled, he just couldn't. Not in the state that he currently is in. 

"C'mon, C'MON!" Clay mentally screamed as finally, he was able to activate 'Clutch'. However, he was only using a tiny fraction of its power. 

Clay slipped out of the clutches of Schlatt and threw a punch with his non-broken arm. His attack landed, but it wasn't as powerful as the one from not too long ago. 

"Hey now, what was that pathetic tap? And here I thought that you've gotten stronger... Guess not, I'll just kill you right here, right now." Schlatt said as he threw a punch that was directed towards Clay's heart. 

Suddenly, a small portal formed as it swallowed Schlatt's fist whole. 

"What the-" Schlatt spoke before he was interrupted by a figure who swiftly exited a portal, threw a punch right at Schlatt's face. 

"R-Ranboo...?" Clay muttered. 

"Y-Yes, it's me! A-Are you okay?" Ranboo asked. 

"Do I look okay to you...?" Clay mumbled jokingly. 

"M-My bad..." Ranboo exclaimed sheepishly. 

"So you brought another one of your friends, huh? Something seems familiar about this one though... Oh wait! I remember you!" Schlatt said to Ranboo. 

"S-S-S-S-Schlatt!?" Ranboo stuttered, his eyes filled with nothing but fear. 

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the failed experiment? How nice to finally see you again. Tell me, did you become a hero...?" Schlatt asked.

"I- Uh, no... not exactly, but-" Ranboo stuttered.  

"Heh, I bet you're a failure! Just like how you were all those years ago..." Schlatt said. 

Ranboo didn't reply to Schlatt's words as he was afraid. Only god knows what Schlatt and his band of villains have done to Class 1-B's iconic, shy, sweet and peculiar mutant-boy, Ranboo. 

"Are you really that trash? You can't even speak to me!" Schlatt laughed. 

"SHUT UP! RANBOO IS A GREAT PERSON AND I'M SURE AS HELL THAT HE WILL BECOME A GREAT HERO!" Clay yelled at the top of his lungs before passing out due to exhaustion. 

Witnessing Clay's action, Ranboo was stunned.  For the first time, he was told that someone believed in him, and he barely even knew that someone. 

"You even need an injured man to stand up for you! Hah! Trash!" Schlatt insulted as he was laughing his ass off. 

"I... I... I am NOT TRASH!" Ranboo yelled as his eyes glowed a vicious purple. 

"Oh...? What is this?" Schlatt asked. He smirked, still believing Ranboo was nothing but a failure. Even with his sudden change in attitude. 

"I WILL PROVE IT TO YOU!" Ranboo yelled as he created a portal and dropped himself inside. 

He then reappeared right in front of Schlatt and punched him in the gut before disappearing again. As he appeared and reappeared, he kept throwing attacks at Schlatt. 

"He's like an enderman, but shorter." Schlatt thought as he was getting attacked from every angle that is known to mankind before catching Ranboo by grabbing him by the throat. 

"I've seem to have underestimated you, I apologise. From now on, you aren't trash but fodder." Schlatt said before a police siren could've been heard. 

Hearing this, Schlatt quickly threw Ranboo onto the ground and knocked him out with one swift but powerful punch to the face. He then snatched Mumbo's latest gadget and skedaddled the hell out of his building. 

The authorities came soon after and brought those who were injured to the hospital while that one villain that Nestorio defeated was arrested and placed in a highly secured containment facility. 

Grian expectedly had the least injuries with Ranboo and Nestorio as a close second. Cahriid and Clay needed a little bit of time in the hospital as their injuries were pretty severe. 

Sadly, Mumbo did not survive.

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