In self defence

247 11 3

*Nestorio POV*

"Tch, this is bad. Cahriid is knocked out and I don't have my bow." I thought as I hid behind a large piece of rubble, trying to avoid the villain. 

"Come out come out wherever you are~" The villain chanted creepily. 

"I really wanna kill this bastard, but that's not very hero-like. Question is, how do I even defeat him?" I thought to myself. 

I observed my surroundings, nothing but plain old rubble with the occasional rock and iron rod. There had to be something among the pile that I can use to at the very least defend myself with.  

"I have an idea..." I thought as I snatched a metal rod and a few pieces of rocks. 

"You better reveal yourself, or this entire floor get's it!" The villain yelled as he lifted his right foot up, ready to stomp down hard on the ground. 

"Don't you dare!" I yelled as I revealed myself. 

"Whatcha got that metal stick for? It's not like it will protect you from the likes of me." The villain asked. 

"Oh, it's not supposed to protect me. But enough about that, let's play a game... I'm thinking baseball!" I yelled as I threw a rock into the air and swung my iron rod at it, sending it flying toward the villain. 

The rock hit the villain directly in the knee, causing him to stumble back a bit. 

"YO WHAT THE FUCK!?" The villain yelled in confusion. 

I refused to reply to his idiotic words as I sent another rock towards him. This time, it landed directly on his eye. Honestly, it looked painful. 

But this was no time for sympathy. 

Almost immediately after the rock landed, I grabbed a quirk nullifying arrow from my quiver and stabbed the tip onto the villain's arm. I then proceeded to knock him out with a swift chop to the neck. 

"You thought you could've defeated me if you got rid of my bow, huh? Well sorry to break it to you, but I'm more than just a bow and arrow." I exclaimed confidently as I stood in front of the villain's unconscious body. 


*Clay POV*

"One for All... 50% SMASH!!!" I yelled as Schlatt and I exchanged blows. 

"Not bad kid, you've gotten stronger! However, it's not ENOUGH!" Schlatt yelled as he grabbed me by the arm and threw me toward a wall. 

"Tch... so 50% isn't enough, huh? Well, let's see how much he can handle 60%!" I thought as I was about to rush back into the fight before Mumbo Jumbo stopped me in my tracks. 

"I think you've done enough, have a rest." Mumbo said calmly. 

As Grian brought me over to a safe distance, Mumbo faced off against Schlatt with a determined look in his eyes. 

"Ah, Mumbo... The world's greatest inventor, aside from Ivan Shield, of course." Schlatt greeted. 

"Schlatt, I believe you want my gadget. Well, you're gonna have to get through me, first." Mumbo threatened. 

"Oh really? And what are you gonna do? Build a gadget?" Schlatt asked. 

"I may not be a hero, nor a fighter... However, there comes a time where I must be." Mumbo said calmly as he raised both his hands. 

Suddenly, anything that was made of steel, iron or copper started rising up. It didn't take long for me to realise that this was Mumbo's doing. 

"Magnetism manipulation, huh? Interesting." Schlatt commented. 

"I assure you, this won't be very 'interesting' for you." Mumbo said before all the metals flew towards Schlatt at lightning speed.

Schlatt got caught off guard as one of the metals managed to scrap his arm despite his skin having an enhanced durability due to his super strength quirk. Obviously, he was not pleased about this. 

"And I thought the boy was a challenge! Marvellous!" Schlatt yelled. 

Meanwhile, Grian and I were hiding. However, I was at standby, ready to jump into battle if needed. Grian, however, was doing something else. He was building something. 

"What you got there, Grian?" I asked. 

"I'm making a device that will send a signal to the nearest cellphone, hopefully they'll receive it and contact the authorities." Grian replied. 

"Wha- How're you gonna do that? There's nothing but rubble around here." I asked. 

"That's what makes me different from you, Clay. My quirk is called 'Identify'. It allows me to instantly identify any types of a certain material, which will help me build whatever I need." Grian explained. 



"I'm almost done with this... Don't worry about me, keep an eye out for Mumbo!" Grian said. 

Over at Mumbo's, he was faring better than I expected against Schlatt as he managed to keep him at a good distance. If I jumped in right now, I could sneak in an attack and defeat Schlatt.

However, Schlatt had a backup plan. 

A portal suddenly appeared right behind Schlatt. Wearing a sly smirk, he entered the portal. The portal then reappeared 2 feet in front of Mumbo, stunning everyone as we all froze. 

This gave Schlatt the perfect opportunity to strike. He immediately came out from the portal and  sent his fist through Mumbo's chest. 

"Your quirk will be mighty useful, Mumbo." Schlatt said as he then pulled his fist out of Mumbo's chest. He also took a sample of Mumbo's blood and kept it in his pocket. 

"MUMBO!" I yelled angrily as I activated One for All at 65% and charged towards Schlatt. 

As I did so, my veins started to pop off as my blood boiled. This was without a doubt, 'Clutch'. But how was 'Clutch' active while I was using One for All. 

I had no time to question it as I was closing in. 

"SMASH!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I punched Schlatt right in the face. The attack did a massive amount of damage toward Schlatt as he was sent flying, crashing into a wall. 

But Schlatt wasn't the only one who took damage. 

After my punch, my right arm was completely broken. This has never happened before, and it put me in a state of shock. 

"W-What the hell was that... Why did I feel the sensation of 'Clutch' while I activated One for All earlier...?" I thought as my body couldn't stop shaking. 

Meanwhile, Schlatt rose from the ground. His face had a nasty dent which I probably caused. 

"Seems you still got some fight left in ya, kid... Let's go for another round." Schlatt said menacingly. 


*Third Person POV*

Technoblade was patrolling the streets of Kamino. By his side was his newest apprentice and intern, Ranboo. 

Suddenly, Technoblade's phone vibrated non stop. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's this notification? Is it a sign? Have I reached 10 million on HeroTube?" Technoblade asked himself as he slowly but dramatically reached his pocket. 

"Or it could be a phone call, s-sir." Ranboo said. 

"Don't ruin the moment, Ranboo!" Technoblade yelled. 

"Y-Yes sir!" Ranboo yelled. 

As Technoblade took out his phone, he sadly did not come across a notification claiming he has reached 10 million on HeroTube. Instead, it was some SOS message from Mumbo Jumbo's business tower, much to Technoblade's disappointment. 

"No subscribers for me today..." Technoblade sighed. 

"T-There there, sir." Ranboo said. 

"Anyway, no time to lose! Someone needs help!" 

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