The Impact

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*Technoblade POV*

It has been a few days after the 303 incident, and he has been causing havoc here and there ever since. So far, not one hero was successful in catching him, let alone defeating him. 

Meanwhile, I was currently in a hospital, not because I was injured but because I wanted to check on Ms. Eri's condition. Waiting for the doctor's report, I sat on a public seat and stuffed my hands into the pockets of my trench coat. 

"Yet another victim..." I sighed. 

Not too long after, the doctor came out of his room as I greeted him with a bow. Before coming here, I reluctantly received lessons from Phil about how to be unnecessarily polite as he figured that the doctors and nurses wouldn't take me seriously with my already perfect attitude. 

And this is why I hate doctors. 

"How is she? Will she be alright?" I asked politely. 

"It appears that Ms. Eri has suffered an extreme amount of blood loss. Not only that, but whatever source of her injury was, it managed to damage her left lung and she's now in critical condition." The doctor answered. 

"Will... Will she make it?" I asked. 

The doctor shook his head and wore a sad expression.

"It's gonna take a miracle to save her. I'm sorry." 

Hearing this, I sighed sadly. 

"Thank you for all you've done." I said before the doctor left to do whatever else he needed to do. I may not have cared much for doctors, but I do know that they should have a pretty tight schedule. 

*Third Person POV*

Meanwhile, there were a mob of angry reporters standing outside of UA High School demanding info about 303, whom they somehow found out was supposedly a student from UA. The UA security system were doing all they could to control the crowd and prevent them from coming in and harassing any student or teacher. 

"GIVE US ANSWERS, UA! HOW COULD YOU LET ONE OF YOUR PRESTIGIOUS STUDENTS DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS? PEOPLE WANT ANSWERS, YOU HEAR ME!?" An angry reporter yelled as he tried to force his way through, he failed as he was pushed back. 

"UA'S SECURITY SYSTEM ASSAULTS A REPORTER!" Another reporter yelled as she witnessed the act, causing yet another outrage. 

"Oh man, there's some crazy stuff going on out there." Zak commented. 

"It's best we avoid crowds like these." Wilbur added on. 

"Like that's gonna be easy. They literally follow us wherever we go, it's like they have a quirk that allows them to locate anyone they want!" Nikki proclaimed frustratingly. 

"Let's just hide until this whole controversy dies.. There's still that hole that Technoblade dug, after all." George said. 

"But then that makes us seem like we're cowards, which might stir up some more controversy." Gogy replied. 

"Well if they wanna accuse us of something like that out of the blue, they're asking for a beating for sure!" Tommy said. 

"That'll just bring up more controversy instead, you idiot." Wilbur sighed. 

5 minutes later, DanTDM entered Class 2-A. 

"Hello everyone, today I'll be taking Technoblade's place as your Homeroom, Math, English and Modern Heroics 101 teacher." Dan said. 

"Technoblade's absent? That's something you don't see everyday!" Zak said. 

"He's currently occupied with something, but that's none of our business. Anyway, please take out your textbooks and turn to page 420." Dan said. 


Schlatt laid his sister, Minx to rest into a coffin that he somehow managed to get. He then single-handedly carried the coffin all they way to a barren place, digging a big hole, slowly putting the coffin inside and finally, filling the hole with soil. 

Schlatt stood there, in front of Minx's grave. He grabbed onto one of his horns and broke it, causing him to whimper a but due to the pain which soon subsided. He then stabbed his broken horn onto the ground next to Minx's grave and left. 

As he left, tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably. They didn't share many good times together as siblings, but he truly loved her as a sister. 

"I am gonna fucking kill him." Schlatt thought to himself as he wiped the tears from his face. 

Problem was, he was alone. And he experienced first-hand what 303 could do, so going after him by himself was a bad idea. However, he did have a thought. 

Perhaps it was a good idea to team up with the heroes just this one time, specifically Clay and his friends. The saying always goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Schlatt knew they would also be going after 303, so why not join them? It'd kill two birds with one stone! 

"That seems like the best option... for now..." Schlatt thought. 

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