Double Match!

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*Third Person POV*

Both Tommy and Puffy entered the ring and stared each other down.

"She doesn't look so tough." Tommy thought.

"He looks like a gremlin." Puffy thought to herself while she tried her best to keep a straight face and not laugh.

"Match... Begin!" Dan yelled.

"Alright, let's do this!" Tommy yelled enthusiastically as he launched himself right at Puffy, expecting to knock her out of the ring immediately.

As Tommy closed in, he noticed that Puffy was... Expanding?


Tommy was thrown out of the ring as he landed on his back.

Not being able to process what just happened, Tommy held a blank face.

5 minutes later, he snapped back to his senses. And boy was he mad.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEN!? HOW DID I GET KNOCKED OUT SO FAST!? WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS!? I CALL HACKS! FUCKING HELL!" Tommy yelled as he flailed his arms around while Clay and Tubbo consoled him.

"Pfft- Tommy... Better luck next time-" Clay said before losing it and wheezing like a tea kettle.

"Tommy, you shouldn't have rushed in like that. You didn't know her quirk, so you should've kept your guard up." Tubbo said.

"He was pretty fast actually. If I had been a second too late, he would've knocked me out. Luckily I was fast enough." Puffy said.

"A woman." Tommy thought as he stared directly at Puffy.

"Uh.. Why is he staring at me like that?" Puffy asked.

"He's probably processing how to handle a loss like this, please excuse me while I take him somewhere to go cool him off." Tubbo reassured as he got his bees to carry Tommy away. 

"Onto the next round! We have Wilbur versus Ranboo!" Dan said. 

Wilbur entered the ring and saw an enderman. Much to his confusion.

"What the-" Wilbur thought. 

"H-Hi, I'm Ranboo." The enderman spoke. 

"IT SPEAKS!?" Wilbur thought. 

"Oh, I'm Wilbur. It's nice to meet you." Wilbur replied. 

"IassureyouimhumaneventhoughIlooklikethisbutIguessyouknewthatsinceIyouknewicouldspeakandallbutIjustwantedtoletyouknowjustincase-" Ranboo muttered.

"Ah. He mutters." Wilbur thought. 

"A-Anyway, let's have a good match!" Ranboo said. 

"You bet!" Wilbur replied. 

"Let the match... BEGIN!" Dan announced. 

Immediately, a portal was formed underneath Wilbur. Thankfully, Wilbur was quick enough to jump out of the place before he fell in. 

"So he doesn't just look like an enderman, but he has the abilities of one too. This might be a little complicated..." Wilbur thought as he kept jumping from place to place to avoid Ranboo's portals. 

"Here goes nothing!" Wilbur thought as he leapt into the air and released a powerful sound wave straight at Ranboo. 

Ranboo took the attack head on, and was pushed back a little. However, his enderman physiology made him a little more durable than the average human. Normally, if it were someone like Tommy or Zak, they would've been sent flying away. 

"Tch, he's stronger than he makes himself look!" Wilbur thought. 

"T-That was a pretty powerful attack! B-But you're going to have to do better than t-that to defeat me!" Ranboo said, trying to act intimidating. But he failed, miserably. 

"A+ for effort, buddy." Wilbur said, "Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to end it here!" 

Wilbur ran towards Ranboo in a zig-zag pattern, similar to that of Clay's movements when he fought Vincent in the UA Sports Festival. This made it hard for Ranboo to try and make Wilbur fall into his portals. 

Once Wilbur got close enough, he released the strongest sound wave he could directly at Ranboo. This time, Ranboo's physiology couldn't save him as he was sent flying out of the ring. 

"Victory goes to Wilbur!" Dan announced as Wilbur breathed heavily, this match was a lot more tiring than he thought. 

"I'm glad I didn't underestimate him, he's way stronger than he looks!" Wilbur thought as he exited the ring and helped Ranboo up. 

"T-That was a great match... You were so powerful." Ranboo said sheepishly. 

"Same to you, I would like to fight you again if it's fine with you." Wilbur replied. 

"S-Sure!" Ranboo exclaimed happily. 

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