Two goals, One objective

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*Third Person POV*

"Seems like 303 was in fact, not ready." Minx sighed. 

"Yeah, I know." Schlatt replied. 

"And the 3 idiots we hired all got arrested, leaving the 2 of us left." Minx added on. 

"Yeah, I know." Schlatt replied, he was getting annoyed. 

"Oh whatever shall we do? If we don't do something about this, we'll get caught in no time." Minx exclaimed dramatically. 

"Yeah... I know..." Schlatt replied, he was at his boiling point. 

"And all that effort and big talk about reviving master's reign would've been for nothing. Oh! Woe is me!" Minx cried. 

"WILL YOU SHUT IT ALREADY!?" Schlatt yelled angrily. 

"Kidding bro~" Minx teased. 

"Jesus Christ, you're such a fucking bother. I should beat the shit out of you and turn you in. That way, efficiency around here would at least increase by 1%!" Schlatt scolded. 

"But if you turn me in, you'll be alone... Is that what you want?" Minx asked. 

Hearing Minx's words, Schlatt froze for a little bit before scoffing. 

"Whatever the fuck floats your boat. Anyway, I realise that even if 303 has gone rouge, we still have a way to retrieve him. According to these blueprints, there's a tracking system that has been installed into his brain. We can use that to find and capture him. This time, I'll make sure he fully obeys us." Schlatt explained as he gripped 303's blueprints in his hands. 

"And what if he resists?" Minx asked. 

"We'll do it by force then." Schlatt smirked as he cracked his knuckles. 


Zak, Darryl and Harvey were talking with Technoblade about what they witnessed a few days ago. 

"You're actually sure it's him?" Technoblade asked. 

"Yes, we're telling the truth!" Zak said.   

"Well then, I might as well call Phil and we'll do an investigation." Technoblade said. 

"What about us? And Class 1-A? We have a right to see him as he's our friend! It will also make it easier for you guys to negotiate with him if needed as we are here to calm him down!" Darryl pleaded. 

"That may be a good idea, but it is to a certain extent, risky. Considering how you guys met, I suspect that he doesn't actually remember you guys, let alone the entire class. However, I guess it'll be unfair to not let you guys see him." Technoblade said. 

Hearing this, the 3 boy's faces lit up. Knowing the fact that everyone would be overjoyed to be able to see Vincent again after a long time. 

"Now, run along and do what you nerds usually do. I'll inform y'all when we're going." Technoblade said. 

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