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*Third Person POV*

"Hey master, what do we even need that silly gadget for? I thought we were gonna fuck some shit up today?" A figure said, it was the villain from I-Island. 

"You see, that gadget is one of the things that are essential to Herobrine's second reign. Notch and Technoblade aren't the only ones who sustained lethal injuries after that battle in Kamino." Schlatt explained. 

"Then what about that body we were experimenting on back at the hideout? Can't we use him?" The villain asked. 

"No, he isn't ready. He resists, which only makes it much more difficult for us." Schlatt scoffed. 

"Man, talk about bull-headed!" The villain sighed as he crossed his arms and leaned on the wall. 

"Shut up, idiot. We're about to head in!" Schlatt scolded. 

"...That's not even my name..." 

Meanwhile, Clay and the others were still bickering. 

"Grian, what is it that you do here?" Clay asked. 

"Oh, I assist Mumbo in making gadgets. That gadget you saw just now was the biggest project I had so far." Grian answered. 

"You got this, Grian." 

"Thanks, Clay." 

Suddenly, the lights went out. This surprised everyone as you'd expect someone who's made a ton of brilliant and efficient techniques to have better lighting power. 

"This is unusual. Never before have the lights gone out in this building!" Mumbo jumbo said with a little panic in his tone. 

"Don't worry, Mumbo. I'm sure it's just a power outage. Carhiid and I will go check it out." Nestorio said as he and Carhiid exited the room. 

"I have a very bad feeling about this." Mumbo exclaimed worriedly. 

"..It's just a power outage, though..." Clay said. 

"Then how are there two red lights flashing over there? Not to mention a beeping sound, too." Grian asked. 

"Hold up."

"That wasn't there before, was it?" 




Clay quickly activated his shield and covered both Grian and Mumbo Jumbo before the wall exploded, forming a giant hole in the wall. From outside the hole came a face Clay was all too familiar with... It was Schlatt. 

"S-Schlatt!?" Clay stuttered, "What are you doing here!?" 

"Oh? Didn't expect to see you here. No matter, I'm not here to fight this time. I just want the gadget." Schlatt replied. 

"B-But you can't! I made that gadget strictly for Notch!" Mumbo Jumbo yelled. 

"Correction, you and I made that gadget." Grian corrected. 

"Not the time, Grian!" Mumbo scolded. 

"So it's for Notch, huh? All the more reason to take it!" Schlatt said as he reached his hand out for the gadget before met with a kick to the face by Clay. 

"Hands off, Schlatt." Clay said. 

"Hmmm, I originally planned not to fight... But seeing your face and judging your action just now, I change my mind!" Schlatt exclaimed angrily before throwing a punch towards Clay. 


"Hey Cahriid, isn't it weird that a power outage would occur out of nowhere?" Nestorio asked. 

"Indeed, sir." Cahriid replied. 

"For now, let's just find the cause of this powe-" 

"Wazzup wazzup?" 

Nestorio recognised this person from I-Island. And he was quite frankly confused to how he was here. Wasn't he arrested? No matter, it was an opportunity to shoot someone, after all. Nestorio took out his bow and aimed an arrow at the villain. 

"Oh I remember you, I shot you with an arrow!" Nestorio said. 

"Yeah, I know." The villain said, "Anyway, it's payback time!"

"What're you gonna do? Stomp?" Nestorio teased. 

"Close." The villain said as he stomped onto the ground. 

Nestorio knew what to do. He leapt into the air as the villain's vibration attack arrived, successfully dodging the attack. 

Or so he thought. 

Suddenly, strong vibrations erupted from the ground and was about to hit Nestorio before Cahriid pushed him away and took the attack head on. Everything made out of silicon and ceramic within a 10 meter radius was shattered to bits, even the walls cracked a little. 

As Nestorio fell onto the ground, he inconveniently dropped his bow as it slipped through one of the small cracks on the wall and fell out of the building. 

"My bow!" Nestorio thought, he now started to panic a little. 

"Well, well, well... Look at yourself now, you have nothing to fight with and your buddy is down for the count. I'm gonna enjoy beating the shit out of you." The villain said as he cracked his knuckles. 

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