The blade of sorrow

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*Third Person POV*

Technoblade stood at a balcony somewhere in the UA faculty, his expression not carrying the usual vibe of 'I am above you' and 'Interesting, but did I ask?'. Instead, his expression was one that carried guilt and sorrow. 

No matter how hard he tried, Technoblade couldn't get the fact that one of his students got brutally murdered. And the worst part was that he knew he could've prevented it, if he was stronger. 

"Fuckin' hell..." Technoblade thought to himself as he ruffled through his long, untidy hair. 

Suddenly, Technoblade sensed the sound of footsteps coming from behind. As he turned around to see who it was, he saw none other than the previous number 1 hero, Notch. For some reason, he carried a rectangular box in his hands.

"Ah, I knew I'd find you here." Notch said. 

"What do you want, Notch?" Technoblade asked as he quickly hid his sorrowful expression.

"I've got a box with me here... Here, open it." Notch said as he handed the box over to Technoblade. 

"Is this revenge for that time I trolled Class-1A by kidnapping them with a box?" Technoblade asked. 

"What the- Of course not! And you did what!?" Notch asked. 

"Ah. It's nothing you should be concern about." Technoblade reassured. 

Technoblade opened the box, and inside revealed a shiny golden arm. 

"Mumbo made it out of an unbreakable metal that was given to him by an old friend of his, he then hired a professional to carefully paint it gold to fit your preferences. Now, you just have to accept and we can start the operation right away. It'll be like a new arm." Notch explained.

Technoblade took one good look at the arm. Sure, it did fit his preferences. However, something was holding him back. 

"Notch, I'm afraid I have to refuse." Technoblade spoke. 

"Why not?" Notch asked.

"Well you see, this missing arm is sort of like a reminder to me... A reminder of my own failures." Technoblade explained. 

"You know, Vincent's death wasn't your fault." Notch said. This took Technoblade by surprise. 

"Wha- What about him? I'm sure he'd be doing fine if I had- Awww shit." Technoblade said. 

Notch sighed as he placed his hand onto Technoblade's shoulder. 

"It isn't your fault, Techno. Nobody could've seen Vincent's sacrifice coming, not even me." Notch reassured. 

"I failed him, Notch. He's dead because I couldn't save him." Technoblade exclaimed sadly. 

"No, he sacrificed himself to save Clay and a few others. And if there's anyone to blame, it is Herobrine. So stop beating yourself up and hold your head high, you are a hero and a teacher of UA High." Notch encouraged. 

Hearing Notch's words, Technoblade unexpectedly felt better. It was like a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders. 

"Thanks, Notch. And about that operation..." Technoblade said. 

"I'll inform you of the details on a later date. For now, you can keep the arm." Notch said. 

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