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*Third Person POV*

Darryl, Harvey and Zak were patrolling around Kamino together, specifically the place where that one 11/7 convenience store was. The 3 heroes-to-be have been doing their internship at the same agency since the UA Sports Festival, which meant Zak got to playfully annoy Darryl more while Harvey was caught in the middle of it.

"Zak, you muffin! Stop poking me!" Darryl said frustratingly. 

"Nah, I don't think I will." Zak replied playfully as he continued to poke Darryl. 

"I wanna go home and play Minecraft." Harvey thought to himself. 

As the 3 boys continued to walk, they came across an alleyway all too familiar to them. Upon drawing closer, Darryl and Harvey were silent while Zak looked away awkwardly. The atmosphere was silent until Darryl spoke up. 

"Could we have saved him?" Darryl asked. 

"Maybe. You never know." Harvey answered. 

"...Anyway who's up for some 11/7 snacks? I sure am!" Zak interrupted, trying to change the topic as he thought there wasn't any need to bring up something in the past. 

"I guess I could go for a quick bite." Harvey sighed. 

"Likewise, I wonder if they have any muffins?" Darryl asked. 

Suddenly, the 3 boys noticed something that was incoming, and fast too. 

"You guys see that?" Harvey asked. 

"Yeah... I wonder what it is?" Zak asked. 

"Looks like snacks will have to wait! Everybody move!" Darryl yelled as that something flew directly downwards onto the ground, creating a small crater as it landed. 

As Darryl, Zak and Harvey went over to see what had literally fell from the sky, they saw a boy about their age wearing a greyish white hoodie and a black mask. 

"Who... No, what is that?" Zak asked. 

But before anyone could reply, Zak was suddenly sent flying, crashing into a wall. This completely surprised Darryl and Harvey. First, this guy comes out of nowhere and now he or she is attacking them. 

"Harvey!" Darryl yelled as Harvey nodded. 

Harvey charged in while Darryl covered him with multiple blasts of energy which managed to distract the boy in the greyish white hoodie long enough so that Harvey could close in and deal some physical damage. 

Once Harvey got close enough, he tried to land a kick. However, he underestimated his reflexes as the boy in the greyish white hoodie blocked his attack and sent Harvey flying with just a tap to the chest. 

"TAKE THIS!!!" Darryl yelled as he gathered up as much energy as he could as blasted a focused beam towards the boy in the greyish white hoodie. However, his attack was stopped in it's tracks as the boy held his hand out, it was almost as if he were restricting the attack from moving. 

Darryl tried as hard as he could, but the boy in the greyish white hoodie was too powerful. His very own attack redirected towards him and was about to land before Zak quickly stepped in front of Darryl with both his arms covered in pure unbreakable diamond. 

"Z-Zak!" Darryl stammered. 

"Don't just stand there when an attack is coming your way, you dingus!" Zak scolded. 

Once the attack died down, Zak's first instinct was to charge in. However, he recalled doing that last time and it didn't go well. So instead of charging in head on, he got Harvey to grant him a regeneration and resistance effect first before charging in relentlessly. 

Of course, the boy in the greyish white hoodie tried to restrict Zak's movements. However, Zak was somewhat strong enough to resist his telepathic powers. 

"Tch, I'm gonna need more power than this if I want to get any closer!" Zak thought as he focused his mind and tensed up his body. Almost instantly, Zak's whole body started to turn into pure diamond, and with Harvey's healing and resistance factor, this gave Zak a significant power boost. 

Zak found little to no struggle with taking steps to get closer to the boy in the greyish white hoodie. Once Zak was close enough, he swung his right arm towards the boy in the greyish white hoodie, causing him to cease his telepathy and fall onto the ground. 

As the boy got up, his mask fell off and revealed his face. Zak, Harvey and Darryl were all equally shocked to find out that the boy in the greyish white hoodie was actually their former classmate... their friend...

Their Vincent... 

"V-Vincent?" Zak mumbled, he never thought that'd he see Vincent's face again ever since he passed. 

"Who the hell is Vincent?" The boy asked. 

"What do you mean? YOU'RE Vincent!" Zak yelled. 

"No, I'm not! I'm 303!" Vincent, or what seemed to be Vincent yelled back as he pounced onto Zak. 


"OI, LANGUAGE!" Darryl yelled. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP OR YOU'RE NEXT, FOUR EYES!" 303 yelled angrily. 

"Well I never-" 

"Vin- I mean, 303! Let's all just calm down and talk about this, okay? We can even go have a snack from 11/7!" Harvey negotiated. 

"Tch, to hell with it." 303 grumbled before he levitated away, leaving the 3 boys a little injured but mostly confused. 

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